Would this not offend someone from Dubland Ireland??? =P
yeah, lol. :mrgreen: ...... so anyway, what is the point of this thread :? .... Wait never mind its in general babble

jk :mrgreen:
It's a joke thread! Why do you think I called it a test thread?
ah... sorry bout that



We could start one that says I hate "Subs" and be like I hate people from Suberia (just ignore the fact that it's misspelled).
Or maybe it means Submarines!!! HAHAHAHA

What thread to start you know my boy shuzken will most likly lock this thread in say 2 days
I'm sure if he will or has read it he will see what I'm doing/I did. We are like Dante and Randall so he will get it! It's cool. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Yeah, I read it and got it

yup I got it to I just know how these things go and before you know bam the lock out is on...