how do you like my new avatar? should I keep it or go back to good ol' boy wonder?
I love the Hosted by Tripod image ^_^
what that wasnt suppose to happen! I had a different one.... oh well I will find another one
HAHAHAhahaha I did the same thing but nobody saw it. I deleted it as soon as I checked to see if it worked.

I had a pretty cool one, and it worked but then it stopped, oh well this one is fine for now. :mrgreen:
Bleccchh!!!!! That thing is UGLY!!! What is it from? Chucky or something?
Yeah, the new one is whack. Go back to boy wonder. It was colorful and made your posts stand out.
alright, will do, until I find another one that is :mrgreen:
alright, boy wonder is back and I am requesting this thread to be locked since it is now useless. :mrgreen: