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I just got my one piece complete FX from animeniacs and was filled with bliss, when suddenly as I was putting the discs into the holders I realized that there where only 10 of the 11 discs. so I contacted them and hopefully they will send me the additional disc free of charge. Well anyway I just wanted to vent my rage, so you can fill up this thread however you like.
Did you get all that is out right now? :? Have you started watching it? :?
yeah, I got it all, but I am putting off watching it until I get my new dvd player since my PS2 messes up with HKs sometimes for some reason.
I thin the third disc of that set was released at a later time or something. Could've sworn I read something like that on Animeniacs.
wierd, oh well I e-mailed them and they will have a solution.... I hope
You have to buy the AV volume that comes after it. It's a typo on Animeniacs.
oh, I see, ..... well that sucks :mrgreen:
I got the FX set that had all three discs. It turns into a tv rip on the 10th disc! ARRRG! It is still watchable, but damn.

One Piece will mess up on episode seven on your PS2.
That is crap a type of that size should have been fixed a while ago. It is misleading. And it goes from R1 to TV rips that is BS... But oh well I watch
TV rips on VHS so what am I complaining about
that sucks, well anyway, I guess I will have to put off my next purchase and get the 11th disc. oh well at least the first 9 discs are good :mrgreen:
That is 93 episodes worth of show you have. Start watching it. NOW!
not until I get my new dvd player, until then I will watch some other stuff that has been piling up on my piece of crap PS2 :mrgreen:
PS2 is a real crappy DVD player. Go to wal-mart and get an APEX. Very good for very little. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I already bought a pretty nice one online, should be arriving in the mail anyday now. :mrgreen:
Okay. So then you have no excuse. You'll have to watch it then! No excuses!! I have finished all that is out Hk wise. Damn it! :mrgreen:
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