03-11-2003, 07:20 AM
03-11-2003, 09:53 AM
03-11-2003, 02:23 PM
figures... well anyway, I would have to say dbz....although that was already done wasnt it... :mrgreen:
03-11-2003, 05:15 PM
I'd parody Fist of the North Star. Every episode therewould be a big boss type of guy and when he is struck for the final blow, he'd be 50 times bigger than when he first appered. This happens all the time in the real show except I'd be doing it on purpose. Kenshiro would always have an extra set of clothes in the car for when he rips his shirt off. The girl with the yoyos (BAH!!!!) Would have Jax and Marbles instead. 

03-11-2003, 07:20 PM
nice, I would always have the fighters in dbz looking at each others faces and wondering what the other is thinking rather then do anything the whole episode
03-11-2003, 07:55 PM
Quote:Originally posted by "OptimisticOx"
nice, I would always have the fighters in dbz looking at each others faces and wondering what the other is thinking rather then do anything the whole episode
That's a normal episode of DBZ :lol:
03-11-2003, 07:59 PM
yeah, lol, and half the episodes of my parody would be goku charging up his spirit bomb. :mrgreen:
03-11-2003, 08:41 PM
I always thought that was wierd Goku has the most powerful attack in the world and he only uses it in like two or three episodes. 

03-12-2003, 05:29 AM
no, he is not the most powerful, he is like the most powerful for a little while and then an enemy surpasses him....but then suddenly he goes up to the next level. but just then the villin evolves as well. until finally they beat the monster that is the strongest in the world, only to find another one that is even stronger........ so repetitive it almost makes me sick to think about it. :mrgreen:
03-12-2003, 09:43 AM
You know, your parody of DBZ with them staring at each others faces and powering up the spirit bomb describes how the show currently is.
03-12-2003, 11:10 AM
Quote:You know, your parody of DBZ with them staring at each others faces and powering up the spirit bomb describes how the show currently is.
You know, I said that already

03-12-2003, 12:24 PM
yes I know but I would make it more so, so that they arnt even thinking about the fight at hand.