03-09-2003, 08:21 AM
Ok guys, just thought I'd post a quick message since the con is next month.. I have 2 adjoining rooms reserved. Tentatively I'll be in one room along with JJ and his friend, rei and his friend. The other room will have Morgy, Dark Osamu, and Kakoi in it. Now JJ still needs to get his passport, and I haven't been able to badger rei into giving me a definite yes/no answer, so that part's still up in the air.. Although they're all paying me so at least I won't go broke if worst case scenario happens and they can't make it.
Hehe. Anyway, I'll be heading into town thurs night to eat dinner with my parents and pick up my badge at pre-registration.. I'll actually be at the con early friday morning, prolly a half hour or so before the con opens, hopefully will see a few of you there.. I'm gonna drop off my luggage, either in my room or leave it with the concierge if the rooms aren't ready yet.. Friday I plan on eating cheap and just doing con stuff all day. saturday will be doing dim sum in the morning and then con, sunday will be con all day and then a nice dinner at night.
A couple quick points/stuff I wanted to make everyone aware of:
--Other than those 2 meals I named, I'll be doing fast food the other ones to save money.. Hoping not to kill my wallet on food this trip..
--To my hotel roomies: I will be getting up an hour before the con every morning to get ready/eat and be there when it opens.. Hopefully alarm clocks don't offend you. I'll also be getting in the room at 3 AM or later every night, as that's when the con closes.. I'm quiet though so hopefully I won't disturb you.
--Preregister, now! If this is anything like NDK, those who don't register will be second class citizens.. the non pre-reg line is huge, you don't get the goodie bag, and the dealer room will have a line for non registered people while the registered ones just stroll right in.. they also got to go in 30 minutes before the non pre-registered folks!
--About sightseeing.. Start another thread if you want to see certain things and see who you can get to go with you! Me, I'll be sitting in some video room at the con, so you all have fun without me.
--Con ends at 6 PM on sunday.. I plan to get together with as many of you as possible to go somewhere fun and chill till late night. =)
Hmm that's all I can think of for now. See you all soon!
*edit* damn typoes... =P

A couple quick points/stuff I wanted to make everyone aware of:
--Other than those 2 meals I named, I'll be doing fast food the other ones to save money.. Hoping not to kill my wallet on food this trip..
--To my hotel roomies: I will be getting up an hour before the con every morning to get ready/eat and be there when it opens.. Hopefully alarm clocks don't offend you. I'll also be getting in the room at 3 AM or later every night, as that's when the con closes.. I'm quiet though so hopefully I won't disturb you.

--Preregister, now! If this is anything like NDK, those who don't register will be second class citizens.. the non pre-reg line is huge, you don't get the goodie bag, and the dealer room will have a line for non registered people while the registered ones just stroll right in.. they also got to go in 30 minutes before the non pre-registered folks!
--About sightseeing.. Start another thread if you want to see certain things and see who you can get to go with you! Me, I'll be sitting in some video room at the con, so you all have fun without me.

--Con ends at 6 PM on sunday.. I plan to get together with as many of you as possible to go somewhere fun and chill till late night. =)
Hmm that's all I can think of for now. See you all soon!
*edit* damn typoes... =P