I think alot of our disscussion could be held in general babble, but I would like to see it in a little more structured situation. That way someone can't come in and flood your topic with a bunch of useless crap.
yeah, this forum could use quite a few more sections, like a moderator and admin forum and a new user section where people come in and introduce each themselves.
A MOD FORUM!?!?!?! All you mod is garbage! What would you talk about? I beat someone at RP? I got a new potion? Dude what would a mod talk about in a mod forum anyway? I deleted a post today? If everyone here were a mod, they wouldn't post in something like that. It's REDUNDANT!!!! :roll:
I just suggested it because it seams like alot of boards have it, I dont know what they
talk about.

yeah, I was simply giving suggestions, but one thing I do like about these boards, is that they are origonal and very cheerful. :mrgreen:
Nah, its not really needed, these boards are small enough that the mods can contact each other by PM and people can introduced themselves when posting for the 1st time or in babble.
A video game forum seems like a good idea though.
I would like to see a forum where people can ask questions about other people reviews if they werent satisfied with what was written.
yeah, I guess so, the other board that I go to is huge and has at least 5 users on at all times. and there are tons of mods.
There already is a moderator and admin forum

New user section is General Babble

Quote:Originally posted by "OptimisticOx"
yeah, this forum could use quite a few more sections, like a moderator and admin forum and a new user section where people come in and introduce each themselves.
Who is to say we don't already have a mod forum just you can't see it.. ;o)
ooooh I see.

I know about it! Shibo and I were talking about it!

so many secrets... :mrgreen: