just shipped it today, I should be getting it in a couple of days. I can't wait for it.
For those who have never seen Red Dwarf, do yourself a favor and get it, its one of the funniest shows ever.
nice, I feel the same way about my one peice comming :mrgreen: except it will take a bit longer to arrive, might as well watch some of my other stuff while Im wating :mrgreen:
Is it a live show with real people? or a cartoon?
its a live show, a british sci fi comedy to be exact, they used to show it on PBS and I think they show it the Space Channel these days.
Yeah, I read you and a few other users duscussing it when python and other british comedy came up. sounds like some good stuff. :mrgreen:
Red Dwarf is the best Sci-Fi show EVER.
I think the Rimmer song and associated "theme ride" is the single most hilarious and yet horrific thing I've ever seen.
Must have...
ah, that was season 7 if I remember. Yup that was too freaky, it was that rimmer song they played that creeped me out
I got my DVDs today. I thought it was only the first season but its actually the first two seasons, all the better for me :mrgreen: It even has the first episode in Japanese.
niec, it is always a good refreasher to watch someting really good that is non anime. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
It does have the first episode in Japanese! You'll have to tell me how it is.
Matthew I know you watch alot of PBS, and was curious if you remember the show Doctor Who? :?
The Japanese version is alirght but no subs but I've seen that episode like 50 times so I know exactly whats going on.
I used to love Doctor Who, it was a while ago so I dont remember much of it, just those funny looking robots
Yeah it used to be one of my favorites too. It was probably around the same time. Since we are the same age.

I remember they had several different actors playing Doctor Who and in the later episode there was a girl that had a bat that could fuck shit up
Yep. I used to watch that and Nova all the time. PBS was one of the only stations I had. :mrgreen:
Its one of the only stations I currently have that doesn't isn't filled with stupid reality shows or cheesy sitcoms.
Yeah, Nova rules.
Back on subject, did you know there was an american Red Dwarf pilot episode, I saw it and it was horrible. Just disgusting.
Finished watching the specials on the DVDs, Stepen Hawking is a Red Dwarf fan, his favorite episode was Back to Reality from season 5, I feel smarter now that I know that :mrgreen: