Or these e-mails don't exist.

yes thats always a possibility, some people are just wierd like that, trying to asert themselves or something, I dont know.... :mrgreen:
I forget the one for MI which is always in their DVDs. It's a yahoo account. ^_^
AHHHHH!!!! I hate that!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
(damn e-mail showing bastards)
As long as there is no dialogue I could care less. :mrgreen:
I could I like to focus on the sarroundings rather then have my eyes drawn to a bright insegnifigant line of text at the bottom of the screen.
It's not like you're a moth and it's an open flame. ^_^
yeah, well I still find there shitty e-mail addresses upsetting the surroundings incredibly irritating.
there are ppl who would want to ruin this...
ppl that HATES TV rips...
therefore, i wont post a thing about the e-mail,
all I can say is that I will try to get the tapes mailed to that company,and after that, we'll see what happens, ill post news if anything concret happens, the mail services usually screw up things for me (lost lots of packages throught mail,and i've waited up to 7-8 months from stuff....before...)
I'd say there's 50-50 % chanse for this to happen,what is sure is that the company is interested!
I dont know about the rest for the users, but Ill take your word for it. :mrgreen:
Without evidence, I claim this as a hoax and close this topic as well. Topic will be reopened upon an official statement or proof.