Does anyone know where I can download the software needed to watch VCDs on the Dreamcast..I have one already gyplay but I hear there is another software that is availabe, so any help will be greatly appreciated..thanx

Wait you have a DC. I never knew. I have no clue, but I think Kazaa lite would work. My friend got the new C&C on there 5 days before it came out. :mrgreen:
grr i tried..heck ill even take the sega saturn thing..or the ps1

I heard theres a program for the dreamcast that lets it play divx files but you gotto to change the resolution and stuff
I'll ask my friend. He's mastered finding stuff on the web. :mrgreen:
That link seems pretty cool. Now I just need to search it to find the stuff I need. That would kick ass to be able to play DIVX on my dreamcast. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Here I'll answer this by reffering you to the man who has done it....
Schultz he made a Ranma DIVX VCD that played in my Dreamcast....
Ask the man...
Do you need a special attachment?
Nope just a computer to burn the disk in the proper format...
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"
Wait you have a DC. I never knew. I have no clue, but I think Kazaa lite would work. My friend got the new C&C on there 5 days before it came out. :mrgreen:
Are you talking about C&C Music Factory?!?!? 8O
He's probably talking about Command and Conquer, but you can never tell with Steve.
That would be cool if Schultz could post some nice directions for us here. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
hehe alright allright.. i Need to read these threads more often.. its really easy to play divx files on dreamcast. but it seems like the site is down atm.. I will try and find another link for it..
i think you can download it from here
plus those are all the utilities to do different things on the DC.. ;o) I can do guides and help people if they need.. hehe done it for Morg a bit..
YES! :mrgreen: That makes me happy. I can't wait to try some of this awesome stuff. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: