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It does for Dark. :mrgreen:
RAWR!, that does however remind me of the simpsons

"thank you for these porno magazines they will prevent my men for going homosexual.... for about 10 minutes!"

"look whos talking"

"ayarg *captain bites down on lower lip and paws with his hand*"
That is a good episode. :mrgreen:
yeah, lately the episodes havnt been to good, except the 300th, it was so different from the rest of the episodes, a nice change. :mrgreen:
I still watch them, although I think the episodes from the third and fourth season's were some of the best. :mrgreen:
yeah, my favorite season was the 10th alot of my favorite episodes were shown then.
Simpsons are still decent. :mrgreen:
yeah, it is amazing how long they lasted, that is the joy of animation, charecters never age so series are not forced to stop or give anti-growth drugs. I wonder how long it will last, as long as it remains funny and people watch it I suppose.
Well that is until Homer's voice actor dies. That would end the show because he carries it. :mrgreen:
his voice actor already died once(or retired or something), and they found a better one, how do you know they couldnt do the same again?
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