is anyone here from Los be more specific, from the San Gabriel Valley?...cuz i wanna know if there are stores around my area where i could get dvd anime like the ones from here. im guessin they would be at a super asian plaza or marketplace. i will bgin lookin tonight but if anyone knows of anything please let me know and if i find anything ill let u guys know.
I live in PA but I dont think that you can buy HK dvds in stores, you should just buy online, either here, or cookie jar video. but good luck on your hunt anyways :mrgreen:
You can buy HK in stores over here. At least there's 1 store I know of in the area. I actually asked 1 of the workers once if it was illegal. And he's like we don't have inspectors comin' in checkin' us out, so I guess it's OK. In other words, he don't know, and don't really care.
Oh, well I can get all I need online. if it wasnt for the internet I dont know where I would go. I get scared just thinking about it.....*shutters*
Dude, I live in Simi Valley, CA, and I've seen a few places with HKs, but they are WAY overpriced. They charge 15 dollars a DVD. Even in Toy District (pure wholesale). Stick to online.
Yeah stick to online. You get screwed everywhere else.

I don't buy from the stores over here. They way overcharge you. The internet is the way to go.
thanks fer the input peoples. seems like u guys are rite but im still gonna look around. ill still let you know if i find any bargains. where u frum vicious?
It's always nice not having to pay shipping and getting it right away. Only if the price is good though. :mrgreen:
Yeah, but then you have to pay tax and that can really add up.
Yeah it's a high tax, like 8.25%. I've only got 5%. :mrgreen:
I'm located in Northern VA. Our tax rate is 4.5%.
Lucky, Maryland's is 0%. :mrgreen:
I didn't know that, and I'm right next to them. I heard that FL doesn't have a state tax, I'm not sure if that's true or not though.
I can find out when I visit my grandparents. Which doesn't happen often because we are poor!!!! :twisted: