Wow, I don't really know how dependent people get on the medicine after they take it for a while.
yeah, its great, he was in his own thoughtless world. :mrgreen:
Also that's unsafe for anyone.
I guess so but it sure was funny. :mrgreen:
Yeah, especially if you hit him with a frisbee like Howard Stern's Private Parts. :mrgreen:
naw, all I did was laugh because then he woulda snapped out of it. :mrgreen:
Damn, that's just freaky.
yeah I wonder if I said
"when I snap my fingers you will be my personal slave, whos very purpose is to apease my every desire"
it would work :mrgreen:
Your sexual desires? *shutters*
I think not, more like lure defencless females to my lare!!! BWAHAHAHAHHA :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Too bad teagan nash already took the song I wanted to sing!

yeah, he took one of my favorites too, not that I would sing it even if I did have the chance though :mrgreen:
I have ADD, ADHD, and ODD. And I take Medidate and Depakote for both... But it really doesn't help...
By the way, did I mention I was in a Psyche Ward for 18 days? Those places are fucked up man...

your a deseased freak!lol :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I'll let that slide... :evil:

weatdrop: :mrgreen: