Hey, check it out. I am now an Otaku. Who da man!!!!
american comics are cool but I am mostly into manga as well :mrgreen:
Can't get into manga. I bought the Lupin manga, and I couldn't tell the difference between alot of the characters. Without color, they all seemed so similar, since none of them had any outstanding features. But I loved the Cowboy Bebop manga, no prolems there.
try out the new stuff from tokyo pop like GTO, GTO is great, every volume keeps me completely entertained everytime I read it, except maybe the begining of the first volume but thats it.
Yeah, but it's identical to the anime. there's no point in getting it if I'm going to buy the anime anyways.
I probably wont get the anime, I am to fritened that they messed up the manga, so entertaining but so long...
GTO is great in any form!!!!

hmmmmm... so the anime is just as good? if it is that would be awsome!
The school nurse doesnt seem to be in the anime, I'm at ep 7 and no sign of her yet
She comes later in later on. :mrgreen:
good, I dont know if I want to get it though because I already have so much of the manga, but oh well I might anyway sometime. :mrgreen:
Get the Urusei Yatsura manga. It might be better than some of the Maison Ikkoku manga. Key word: MIGHT
Ill put it on my list. :mrgreen:
Wait a while, I have a feeling FX or MAC will rip the R1s once they're all out. Just my gut instinct, it does seem to be popular and all the other sets suck.
I hope not. I already own all the R1 discs for GTO that have come out so far.