I read the reviews and while they're postive, l heard some stuff about some subs being missing from a couple of episodes?.
Anyone confirm this please
That´s correct. Episodes 9 & 10 don´t have any english subs at all; you´ll have to switch to the dub unless you speak japanese or know chinese. Somehow, AS screwed up on this R1 rip (like so often). Also, they never ripped the last volume containing episodes 11-13. All you get is ep. 1-10 on 3 discs.

that sucks, especially if you start watching it sub, and then have to switch over to dub with completely different voices. luckily I dont mind dubs, both have there pros and cons but I wont really go into that now.
From what I heard the series kinda blows. You wouldn't be missing too much. :wink:
yeah, I wasn't planning on getting it anyway, to much else to get......AH NEED MONEY!
I'd rent it at for $3 a pop. :mrgreen:
or I would buy it if it was the only anime I didnt own. :mrgreen:
Well, is it the only anime you don't own? What's that? Can't hear you . . . So I guess you won't be buying it then.

in short: no
just not worth my money.
Actually a lot of anime sucks. An otaku can forget that in the constant watching of their lifetime.
yeah, there is a lot of crap but I usually research a title if I hadnt heard of it before.
Trust me, I know alot of it sucks. That's why I go with the rent first policy. There's actually not too much backstuff left that I want to own. I just have to finish watching this stuff that I already have. All this damn renting and netflix is cutting into my time to watch my own stuff.
yeah, I am not a fan of renting because I have to go far to a place that will let me, the local store although it has anime is only for people 18 and over.... ARRRRG!
Yeah, it's alot easier for me. I got 2 anime only places within like 10 minutes of me. You should check out netflix.com. They have lots of anime. It's good for checking out some older stuff if you haven't seen it before. I'm working on Slayers right now which I rented from them.
yeah, and their anime selection isnt that great, I dont think they even own all of one series. just movies and such.