who is the worst anime charicter that u think??
I hated King Hamdo from Now and Then, Here and There. That guy was a sick fuck
I'm going to go with...hm...
I honestly don't know. There are a lot of bad anime characters, but I don't know if anything counts as the worst.
Though, Gaav in Slayers is on my list of "complete and utter assholes" if that counts.
Every character from Sin, if that counts as anime. :mrgreen:
Oh! I know!
Worst character - that annoying guy from the first Episodes of Kenshin who ends up hiring Sanosuke. He comes back in the manga in the Jinchuu arc. I HATE HIM! :x
sorry about the large pic. I scanned it from my first issue.

Yep, that's the dumbass. He comes back later on.
I didn't like him, but I liked what Kenshin did to him. :mrgreen:
I like what Sano did to him better ^_^ Jinchuu arc is the shit.
What is this Kenshin manga posting time.
Well its my turn, same guy. He really was a moron
Same page in japanese!
Sorry I won't do it again.

hmmmmm.... worst anime charicter eh? I cant really say, but I have to agree somewhat with the conclusions of those above me on this page, although I never read the manga I did see the anime, but I am not the biggest kenshin fan and I could not call him the worst