yeah, I have never slept to much, usually not enough. :mrgreen:
You get up with a nasty headache, and you hurt all over. Definitely no fun. :|
not us boy wonders, we're always bright and chipper! :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "Suzakuseikun"
Because my fiancee lives on the other side of the country so I stay up until she goes to bed.
Why doesn't she move in with you? Problem solved. :mrgreen:
That ain't nothing. Monday through Firday I'm in school for 12 hours a day. I'm there at 10 in the morning and don't leave till 10 at night. This is because I fucked up a semester and need to make up some (some meaning ALOT) of credits to graduate

I pass out as soon as I get home every night.
Well I could complain, but I have to be honest since getting an 8 hour postion I have pretty swell now. Weekends and Holidays off it's nice. But before it was 8pm to 8am then sleep 8hours and then have 4 left to do important things then back to work.
Hey Schultz remeber those days...
I love my job flexible hours, and giving me money for the convention. :mrgreen:
damn you and your money. *shakes fist in air*
Damn YOU and your fist shaking! *shakes penis to get last drop of urine out* 8O
Wow, I only got to school from 7:20 to 1:45. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
you suck! I have to get up at 6:30 for school and dont get home till like, 3:00
*shakes fist once more*