Did anyone watch the Rockets game last night? I was so pissed. Shaq didn't play, so Yao Ming was going up against Samaki Walker. Boring. :?
At least my Celtics won. :mrgreen:
I went to bed early last night because they started the game at Golden State at 10:30. I finished it up right now at 2:15 in the afternoon because they always rebroadcast it the next day. :mrgreen:
I used to watch basketball, but I find it boring now.
Its hockey all the way now, hey I am in Canada
I won't turn this into a basketball vs. hockey thread but I hate hockey. Never liked it, though I've gone to several professional games. My dad played basketball in college, and he passed on his interest to me. :mrgreen:
I watched Otawa kick the Rangers asses. That is when I saw the commercial for an american in canada. Comedy gold.

Damn man, not you too!!!!
I used to play basketball like crazy when I was a kid, then I got lazy and fat but I lost some weight ever since I took up smoking, it all evens out at the end
Now you just have lung problems. Kick the habit man. :wink:
I will one day, stick a patch up my ass and see if it works
Yeah my manager at work got cancer from smoking. They cut him open like a fish and he shows me every time I work. :mrgreen:
i used to like basketball, but i matured, and now i wrestle
I really don't like many sports. I was dragged along to watch the rangers game. I would much rather watch some anime.

Quote:Originally posted by "GTR_Ripper"
i used to like basketball, but i matured, and now i wrestle
Basketball is far from immature. It's the only true American sport. Born in raised in Springfield, MA. :mrgreen:
Uh, wasnt basketball invented in Canada
Nope. That's why the basketball hall of fame is in springfield. :mrgreen:
Liar, they use to show it in the Heritage minutes on TV.
Dr. James Naismith invented the game of Basketball