heheh, a porno about a womens jail. YEHAW!
Yeah, it's an avi file so I'm having some problems. :mrgreen:
yeah, I hate downloading..... I just buy all my stuff now.
But you aren't old enough to buy porn yet, or are you?!?
there is always the internet for those things. :mrgreen:
I wish steve were here to see my new getup.

Starcraft avatar of a firebat and sig of a marine.
yeah, I like it. :mrgreen:
and i saw steve on I think it was yesterday but he didnt post.
were you being sarcastic? :mrgreen:
No he wasn't!
And I still have problems against the protoss with the zerg on that one board...the small devide. They raid me before I can get a good defense!
Starcraft is awesome. AND IT'S ONLY TEN DOLLARS! I CAN AFFORD THAT! After the con I have even more to buy. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Or, I could just ask my friend to burn it for me. :mrgreen:
Played last night as Terrans vs. Zerg and handed them their ASSES! Man it is godly!
I can't wait till you bring it here, and let me play it. :mrgreen:
HELL YEAH BRO!!! We can get on the battle net at your house too! I'd love to have a Korean whoop my ass online! :twisted: