mathewmalay: lol, thats exactly the one.
That is a great sig but Lifestop I miss ya. Speaking of sigs and avatars I need to really spend some quality time with me and good old photoshop...
Come on now...who can beat the shrooms...let alone blue, neon shrooms...ooooohhh. Yes, you can be jealous now.
That is a cool pic. I love the color scheme of blue and black too. You definately have a kick ass avatar, Tripp!!
yes but when your avatar kicks ass does the television have text floating of corney action words like blammo and zoff?.... I didnt think so. :mrgreen:
Yes, it is true that having a shroom avatar doesn't allow for enjoyable, stupid outbursts, but it is one that if you have it even the color bars on the television set become an abundant source of entertainment.
yeah.... well anyway I changed my avatar, what do you think?
Maybe it's just me and my contacts are blurring out my vision, but your avatar seems to be the same from the last post. If so, boy wonder still blows the big ones, but it's still a cool avatar. Very unique and definitely makes you do a double take if you haven't seen it before. It's just...wacky...
yeah, I changed it but it didnt work, so then I grabbed a quick one but I just ended up going back to my origonal. :mrgreen:
As for kick as avatars I have to go with the bounce breasts... he where is that guy ruckus now his avatar rocks. BUt Suzken get's my vote I never know what it's going to be until i log on
I liked the bounce bounce too.
yeah, but I have only seen rukkus around on the dvd trading forum.
I give Domokun my vote! It is just too irresistable! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: