I'll send you a characiture of what you would be in Pie form in my world Steve!!! It will be funny!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Btw: what happened to the hampster humping pic?

I would make an anime about a nerd who turns into a super hero :-D

I love that show. It's definitley worth it, though the movie was better. I' m pissed that they gave up on Under Grads. That was a truly funny show. I plan on taping some more Clone High. That's right, a new episode is on at ten tonight. Woot!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
lol, i liked the squirrell bouncing his balls around, ummm
:wink: just kidding :wink:
hehe hampster!!!!

I do prefer the movie myself. I've seen one episode of clone high, and it wasn't too bad. I'll probably watch it again.

If I could make an anime, I would make a TimeStalkers the Anime. The reason being is that I always believed that the DreamCast game had the potential to become an anime. I would just alter the story just a little bit, just enough to keep a solid plot instead of just randomly roaming dungeons... I would keep all of the original characters and music so that fans of the game wouldn't feel alienated from it (plus I think the music kicks ass, and fits perfectly with the situation. :mrgreen: ). I would also find voice actors that synchronize perfectly with their part. I think it would sell like crazy, but even better... become an anime that will be known around the world as one of the best anime of its time!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Wow, I own the game brand new. Though it's crazy because I have no time to play it.

I would convert Dreamcast RPG's into anime format, as most of them have great potential to become animes. Especially Skies of Arcadia. But to pull it off successfully, I'd have to somehow secure the original voice actors from the game. After that, everything would easily fall into place since the game uses anime style graphics and has an already excellent plot. :mrgreen: What do you guys think? :mrgreen:
I would convert Dreamcast RPG's into anime format, as most of them have great potential to become animes. Especially Skies of Arcadia. But to pull it off successfully, I'd have to somehow secure the original voice actors from the game. After that, everything would easily fall into place since the game uses anime style graphics and has an already excellent plot. :mrgreen: What do you guys think? :mrgreen:
Skies of Arcadia sucked. Grandia II, baby. :mrgreen:
Meh, I'd take Suikoden over any of them =)
Amen brother! But he said Dreamcast, and Suikoden never came out for Dreamcast
Suikoden 0wnz j00! :mrgreen:
Quote:Suzakuseikun said, "Skies of Arcadia sucked. Grandia II, baby.
Hey Skies coundn't have blown that bad and it is now on the Gamecube it will be my mine and I'll be in RPG heaven untill Final Fantasy hits the gamecube later this year. Oh and my anime would be like Slayers... ( I love DD style anime ROLW anyone) But a major change would be in that they would cure Zelagdis, Oh and Suzakuseikun would be Lina, & I'd be Zelagdis but that's a side note....
The last RPG I've really played was Chrono Trigger. Now that would make a great anime, but no DBZ animation. The cut scenes for the PSX Version blew monkey balls. :mrgreen: