Damn they really got ripped off I saw a site that has that same set but for $150.00 even on like 120 cds.
Holy Crap! How? How? How? For one why would someone bid that much. Two who has enough balls to sell that crap for that much! That kinda stuff really pisses me off.

If only I could sell all of my crap for that much...
Give people VCDs in amaray cases and they go crazy. :mrgreen:
ALL THAT for almost 700 Bucks!?!? 8O He only has at most 15$ worth of cd's burned and He's making QUITE a profit. He's smart because some idiot Will Buy It too!
Dark, we all know you were the seller!!!! Bastard!!!! Just kidding :mrgreen:
The set looks nice and I wouldn't mind spending $200 on it. But almost $700 is obscene. :mrgreen:
If he would have saved some more money, he could have bought the professional R2 release. What a tard.

Though it does have subs and it contains OAVS and the original DB / DBGT. :mrgreen:
Good morning, Kakoi. Snow storm, so we have no school today. Boooyeah!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Those are some of the last remaining copys for the very sucessfull DB/DBZ/DBGT/DB MOVIE bootleger called 24StarDragonball they use to have a domain but FUNi shut them down. I manged to get 1 set before they went to the slammer ( :lol: ) It was the VHS BOXSET copy of Dragonball GT (with subs) and as a bonus they gave me some extra video and the GT special I also orderd (okay now 2 sets this is when I really liked DBZ but I dont like them that much anymore even though I still have all the tapes) the whole Buu Saga.
the domain was
you can still see some pics from
www.24stardragonball.bigstep.com (I THINK)
www.24stardragonball.com <-- but that is now somewhat shut down.
Yeah, I've found some sites but I haven't really bothered with it. :mrgreen:
I would much rather just read the manga. It flows alot better.

Like my bowels? :mrgreen:
