I've bought the FX versions of Trigun and Escaflowne and so far they're awesome. Do the other HK companies produce products this good (Animation Video and Manga)? For imports I was quite blown away by the box/video quality.
However, my friend got the FX Cowboy Bebop and it had several instances of heavy pixellation and even a few cases where it would stall and skip 10 seconds or so worth of action. Was this a fluke?
Also, on a side note, I can't decide between these series to pick up next: Fushigi Yugi, Lain, RahXephon, Azumanga Daioh, Ayashi no Ceres, and The Irresponsible Captain Tylor. Any suggestions? I love Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Evangelion, and Hellsing, but as far as series go my experience doesn't extend much beyond that.
Typically MI and MAC are good, though they typically don't have the dub.
Well, being a Yuu Watase fanboy, you're going to hear me say buy Fushigi Yuugi (from FX) and Ayashi no Ceres (from FX). I hear Lain is good, but it doesn't really appeal to me. Tylor (FX/MAC) should be good, too. Get Fushigi Yuugi, though. You wont be dissapointed.
I loved Fushigi Yugi And Lain..Azumanga Daioh I've heard great things about.. It's one of the series I'm really looking forward to.. I also highly recommend the Card Captor Sakura Boxes, Maison Ikkoku, and for something really underrated, try Comic Party. I don't know why that series never got big. It's great. =)
MI's Maison Ikkoku, Fushigi Yuugi and FOTNS. :mrgreen:
The AV and MI have both been good to me with Berserk-AV Perfect and Fist of the north star-MI Fantastic....and so many others. :wink:
All of the HK comapnies have the blemishes. SO it's not a matter of what comapies are good. It's a matter of which of there releases are good

The series that I have gotten from mac were pretty good, the only down side is the mac logo over all of thier cases. :evil: :evil: :evil:
As Vinny said, you can't really say one company is always better than the other, some releases are good, some are garbage. Thats why we have the reviews here so we can always check up before making a purchase.
I too hate MAC gatefolds, just got Now and Then, Here and There and it would be the perfect HKDVD set (great video, audio available in both jap/eng dialogues and R1 subs) except that it has a generic MAC gatefold :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Wha? What's a gatefold?
Oh, by the way, thanks for the replies everyone =) I think I'm going to pick up the FX Fushigi Yuugi next, then Tylor. Also, from what everyone's written, it seems like the FX release of Cowboy Bebop was just bad altogether, and that my friends wasn't just a fluke. Did I infer correctly?
Good choices! A gatefold is a boxset that folds open. It has flaps.
My FX Bebop set has no problems. I don't understand why everyone elses does.

Actually, yeah I was watching it on a PS2 =) That could clear up a lot. I'll have to try it on a regular player tonight ^_^
Thanks kakoi
Hmm..in my opinion though..MAC and FX are probable best. HOWEVER, the only reason for this is that the majority of their releases are rips off of R1s so naturally they are perfect..or close to it. MI, AC, and AS have more downfalls..but that is only because they do not do much rips of R1s so they do not have the perfect video and perfect subtitles that are copyed from the official north america/R1 releases.
Take care,
Quote:Originally posted by "Vance"
Actually, yeah I was watching it on a PS2 =) That could clear up a lot. I'll have to try it on a regular player tonight ^_^
That explains alot, PS2 is a really shitty dvd player, you can try to update your dvd drivers by buying the official PS2 remote or by borrowind them from a friend.