Okay, on my other message board we were talking about scary dreams. Here's mine.
Scariest dream I ever had - I was sitting in a chair, and staring at one of those two way teller windows, except it was fogged. There was an opening about a foot high at the bottom, and a chess board sat there. Everything was going in slow motion; every chess piece would move in the slowest motion ever. Then suddenly I looked around and there were tons of people, and I noticed my wrists were shackled. I screamed but there was no sound. There was no sound in my dream whatsoever. That was the only time I've ever awoke from a dream screaming.
I know

At least you didn't have a dream containing a gnome that wants to touch you in all the wrong places. "No don't touch me there Daddy!!!!" :mrgreen:
Side Note: I'm in a constant Scary Dream. My lovely post count has gone down by 3000 because Suzaku thought it would be "fun to screw with Steve". :mrgreen:
what post count steve!?! And unfortunatly i can't remember the last scary dream that i ever had.. sadley i am on of those people that go into a too deep of a sleep and don't stay in REM long enough to remember my dreams.. ;o(
REM Sleep is the best. But for the most part I think we all can say that the scariest dreams contain Oprah. :mrgreen:
i know this sounds weird, but ever since i've taken the anthrax serum, i've been having disturbing dreams, its like your innermost fears turned up 10 notches. no its not a placebo effect, but some freaky dreams have happaned since then. one bad one was where i was on a helo, descending down, and then all of a sudden the sky turned blood red. the ground turned into ghoulish demons with hands reaching up. somehow i let go, fall and splatter my head and there is red all over.
thats just my 2 cheap cents... :evil:
actually, i had one premonition where steve the talking pie was this GIANT HAMSTER CHASING ME. For some reason, i picture steve to be this fat chubby mutant hamster... :roll:
The scariest dream I can think of is when I was 5.
I was lying on a big wooden table shackled down. I could see the walls were gray bricks like where the police chief dies in Resident Evil 2. This room looked just like that one. Anyways. A Skeleton with it's eyeballs still intack came my left side and unshackled my left arm. Since the skeleton was tall it had to stretch my arm as far as it could be streched to reach it's mouth. It then began to devour it! It was viciously ripping my hand apart. I woke up on my side and my arm was extended as far as it could staight in the air. I was so scared I couldn't scream. I was trying too but nothing came out!

Oprah tried o eat me once. I said hell no ho'. :mrgreen:
My, most terrifying dream was that I was 32 year old pervert living in my parents basement, serviving on nothing doritos and mountain dew. And I had no friends because all I would do was buy and watch anime.
Then I woke up and realized that it wasn't a dream...(man, I have to stop coming to this site)
Perhaps you were dreaming of waking up from a bad dream and are still dreaming as of now! 8O 8) :?


weatdrop: :roll: :wink: :evil: :o :twisted:
Possibly, but my dreams usually include some sort of sailor princeess, not hanging around on the message boards of import-anime.com :lol:
Most of my dreams involve sausage and other peoples moms! 8O