Every wrestling show starts off pretty bad... I remember the days of early ECW... man it was really bad, but then something great happened in the form of RVD & his tag team with Sabu. Then I couldn't get enough of it. But there is this wrestling called TNW or something it has Scott Hall and Jeff Jerret in it anyone got some info on it for me...?
Yeah I think the federation you're referring into is NWA:TNA (Total Non-stop Action). It's basically an old-school type fed run by Jeff Jarrett and his father Jerry. It's a pretty cool fed since it allows their wrestlers, especially the crusierweights, to really flex their moveset and not hold back. If you've seen any of Jerry Lynn's matches in ECW you'll know how much of a bad ass he really is and how criminally WWE held him back.
Here's a link for ya to their official site:
I actually saw the first couple of months of TNA before my cable company switched to digital and my old black box still worked.. I thought it was pretty fun. Ron Killings (formerly K-Kwik) was really showing some promise and of course Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles and Low Ki do amazing work as cruisers.. I got to see the SAT and the Briscoes a couple of times in that fed as well.. They have some great young talent. I enjoyed Sonny Siaki's work as well.. Anybody gotten the PPV's lately? I'm real out of touch now although I guess what, Road Dogg and X-Pac were over there too, right?
I hear ya Kakoi, but it has happen. Hey did anybody see the 10th anniversry of Raw awards. What a Shame that was. Hell I personally believe the Diva of the Year was Sunny. Hell she was the first.
I thought Chyna should have won.. She broke lots of boundaries. I was really hoping for some surprises on that show, but it was unexpectedly predictable. Ah well.
Not to mention breaking a breast implant.

Man Kakoi that was ruff... when did she do that...
I can see it happening but damn it all to hell...
Oh and I got to watch TNA wrestling today it's not half bad...
It's so terrible. I'd rather watch Days of Our Lives. Though the Undertake vs. Shawn Micheals cage match and the Undertaker vs. Yokozuna casket matches were pretty good. :mrgreen:
Hey it is a Soap Opera, for the male between the ages of 16 to 30. For me I have enjoyed it most of my life. And they second purest athletes in a America. (next to Olympic) I feel that it takes such skill now days to be in that league you can help but to sit and watch and go did he just spear him from a ladder while he was hanging in mid air... Damn...
I'd like to see that. :mrgreen:
I imagine someone has it on tape.

8O 8O 8O
No the one to see if someone has it on tape is the PPV where Owen Heart fell to his untimely death. It was live and I didn't get to see it and in the encore it was cut out... I really wish I could get my hands on that... Just to see it.... I suprised it isn't on one of those real tv things...
Oh and yea Road Dogg and X-pac were both on the show... I miss the New Age Outlaws & Degenration X
Yeah, technically he was The Blue Blazer. :mrgreen:
Anyways I'd imagine you could get used to it, if you watch Faces of Death. :mrgreen: