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Full Version: [Current trade list, 03/21/02] - OptimisticOx
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updated once more for today
nice, doin buissness with you BigStick, package just arived, sorry mine will take a bit longer.
No prob. I'm a pretty patient guy :lol: :lol:
succesful trade with Vinny!
Successful trade with Optimistic. Thanx.
no problemo. :mrgreen:
i i would like that berserk number one look at my list
I am interested in tenchi muyo or noir, could you tell me how much you have of each, subs or dubs, that sort of stuff, and if you have a lot of each, I could also pay you the difference in cash to even things out. :mrgreen:

what do you think?
a want to trade that anime look at my list
ummmmm..... You do or you dont? I wanted to know how much you have of each.

:? :? :?
bumpedy do da, bumpady day, wow this sentance is incredibly gay!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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