anyone following NHL! is Ottawa gonna take the Stanley Cup this year or what?

the team is one of the lowest paid teams in the NHL... pays more in taxes than ALL and i repeat ALL US NHL teams COMBINED, it has filed Chapter 11, but still going strong! #1 in the NHL! kick ass left and right, the last 3 home games were sold out
**puts his Setantors Jacket on**
I hope they stay in Ottawa, first Quebec City, then Winnipeg. It will be hard to see another Canadian team move to the States. They really should start giving tax breaks to canadian teams, hockey is part of canadian life and I would hate to see it go away, hard to succeed when revenue is in Canadian dollars but you pay salaries in US dollars
Too bad the Sens always chokes in the playoffs.
Go, Habs, Go!!!! (even though they just lost to the Leafs in OT)
Gary Bettman must DIE :twisted: :twisted:
yea Sens tend to screw up in the play offs... like they used up their fire in the regular season ~_~
u know whats funny about the taxes? the Ontario laxury tax... which is tax thats 18% added on non canadian entertainment is added to all Sens games... while when Sienfield came to Ottawa for the comedy show he did... no tax... since when is Hockey non canadian entertainment? fucking thing was invented in Canada... more than half of all NHL players are Canadian... I hope Rob Brieden's offer to buy out the Sens and Corel center goes through, and hope the Liberals loose all elections ;p
I watch relatively little hockey. I try my best to sit through a Boston Bruins game but them sucking big nuts doesn't really help. :mrgreen:
I would be nice for the Sens to have an owner, and also nice to see a Canadian team win the stanley cup this year. Otterskwa is on there way to completing that, BUT it's already been mentioned twice, they don't have the staying power to put there effort evenly throughout the season. the have great spurts and short slumps but their post season record says everything for how well there going to do. Mind my bias opinion probably means nothing to an Otterskwa native!! eh, Joe! :twisted:
I hope the Leafs don't win the cup. The leafs fans and the CBC will never shut up if they did and I like bragging to leafs fans that its been 1967 since the last time the won the cup. The longest winningless streak in the NHL right now
yea Leafs suck... they just want every canadian team to fail... hockey night in canada has turned into hockey night in toronto for far too long
I can't believe War Aries is back. Well somewhat. :mrgreen:
Now if only Batz Kage would come back........again :mrgreen:
Can't help the Leafs thing but being brought up to follow a team makes you follow them, and they are a great team to watch, the outcome is never certain and the games are always interesting!
I'm back but not at full steam! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Sens lost to Tampa Bay ~_~ just a forshadowing how bad Ottawa is gonna suck in the playoffs heheh
Montreal finally won a game, even if it was against the lowly panthers
What Wararies said is right, when you grow up on a team, you have to cheer for them, going up in Montreal I cheered for the Habs and loathed the Bruins and the Leafs. Its how it goes in this city
For one in my mind I'm a natural Leafs fan, BUT I love the oilers just as much, watching them ast the moment they just tied the Red Wings *Loathe* 3 - 3 in the third, Go Oilers!!!
and to Steve, I changed jobs and my shedule got messed up, then the computer got fried and had to wait til i got money to repair it!
there done! :twisted:
Well the oilers won the game in OT. I dont care much for the Red Wings but I love Steve Yzerman, the guy is a true warrior, when changed his game to be more defensive the Wings started to win.
Stupid Canadians tied T.B, gave up the tying goal with less than a minute to go in the game
