Can someone please tell me if the quality of the Card Captor box set is ok? There are no reviews on it. The Miyu dvd set i got off of ebay had horrible sound quality (it kept buzzing) and bad subbing so now i'm paranoid. If anyone has gotten the Card Captor Sakura dvd set, please let me know how it is.
It was suppoused to be an excellent release by Anime Cartoon. ^_^
Quote:the 2 sets of which it could be a rip... so u cant go wrong ;p
Thanx. I was actually wondering about the version that is available in the store right now. I guess I'll take my chances. I went to order it but paypal won't be up again till 3:30 a.m. Argh. Patience is a virtue they say. :roll: Well, I can't wait to see the subbed version of Card Captor because the dubbed version that played on TV was so screwed up.
I borrowed the Anime Cartoon version from a friend a few months ago.. ((that was what got me into HK anime dvds ^_~)) The set was reallyyyy goooooooddd. The video was screwed up in the last half of the sweet card episode I believe and there was a odd macroblocking-ish error on the first disk when there were a lot of reds. Other than that it as a really good set. Hmm...did they change the packaging? My friend has a set where it comes in a red cardboard nice box where the four individual DVD cases that held two DVDs each went into. The set I see around online now by AC looks different. ((hers is by AC as well.))
Take care,
I have both MI sets, I've watched the first one, am watching the second now, very very slowly to make it last.. The subs are great. Worth every penny. CCS is my happy show, always makes me happy or cheers me up. Best show ever. =)
Do any of the sets contain the Leave it to Kero-chan segments found after each episode? THose are so cute! I could live without them, but would prefer to have them

Nope, the kero-chan segments at the end of each episode have unfortunately been cut.. It really is too bad. I always liked them. At least, they're not in the AC/MI set that I have, not sure about any other sets.
Shibo is man to talk to about CCS. I was suppoused to get it this christmas but didn't. Any early AC set that had fan subs out at the time should have good subs. :mrgreen:
A friend or mine who downloaded the whole series said the fansubs were pretty good. It is somehow much better to have it on dvd though. It must be the nice box or somethin'...
My computer chair is uncomfortable. I'd rather spread out on my bed and enjoy the DVDs with my sub woofers. :mrgreen:
i agree! if you like it.. then support it with your purcahse...