Okay, I'm gonna blow some cash while my parents are out of town. I need some help in what to buy.
Order A: Rurouni Kenshin FX Sets 1 and 2 (for the dub. I already oen MI sets 1 and 2) - $115.
Order B: Inuyasha sets 2, 3, 4, Inuyasha Movie, Cowboy Bebop: Knocking on Heaven's Door, Rurouni Kenshin: Seisouhen. - $108.
What does everyone think?
I'd pass on the SeiSouhen for now, theres a Directors Cut out now, who knows we might see an HK release of it soon. The R1 of SeiSou is going to be the DC version I hear. I'd sub in Inu Yasha Part 5 if I were you, I really need to get that as well.
No one has part 5 right now, and Seisouhen is only $9

I'd go with your Order B. You're getting a lot more bang for your buck! Plus you gotta get the Bebop. If that's on one list and not the other one...Clearly the other one is void!

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Animaniacs.com has part 5 now for $21. I'd that you should go with choice A (us Kenshin dub fans have to stick together).
Get the Fushigi Yugi FX release if you haven't yet. I remember you talking about the long fan fic you did for it.
Already ordered my FX Fushigi Yuugi set ^_^
Hm. I'm kinda torn now.
Edit: My fiancee suggests I get Kenshin. I have a feeling that when the R1s of Inuyasha finally get out some more, Flora will do a Perfect Inuyasha rip. I don't want to blow a ton of money on the TV ripped Inuyasha sub when I actually like the dub. I guess my only question is, how bad is that audio/video sync problem in the Kenshin sets.
Then wait for it. I personally like the Japanese voices. Though you'll be waiting a while because the R1's are taking forever as of this moment. Clear your mind and then quickly ask yourself the question. It works for me all the time.
By the way, what was is the name of the series that you have a banner for?!? It seems to be Fushigi Yugi or some Yu Watase incarnate. ^_^
I'd say go with A
The Kenshin set is awesome. People that owned the set you have now say they prefer the FX. Plus you get the dub if that's your thing.
The signature is X, Steve O.o
Update: I came to a decision. Pack B is the winner, and this is the reason.
I already own the Tokyo Arc and Kyoto Arc in MI. I'll buy the Christian Arc at a later date, then if it seems fit, buy the Kenshin FX for the dub. I'm going to buy Inuyasha because I haven't seen it all and I enjoy it (There you go, Shibo ^_~) and if Flora releases an Inuyasha FX, I'll buy that too. But for now, B is the winner.
Whoops, I was wrong.
X looked pretty cool. I'll check out the HK set. I hear the subs are pretty good on that. :mrgreen:
I would go with choice A! Hmm..there is a FX Fushigi Yuugi out? is it a R1 rip? Also..I really do hope that Flora does a rip of the R1s when they are all done, for "X." that is one of the animes I want ripped most of all. If it isin't ripped I am just going to buy the R1s..but I hope a rip is released!
Take care,
FX Fushigi Yuugi is an R1 Rip.
X FX will take over a year. Buy the R1s.
I just saw the FX Fushigi Yuugi rip right now. ((I looked after I heared it mentioned.)) Welp..that is for sure the next set that I will be buying. Then I need to get the Tenchi In Tokyo and Universe sets as my good friends birthday is this July and I am going to give her my VHS sets.
Take care,