Due to people currently abusing review posting privilages. and copying other peoples reviews.. Now the reviews have to be Approved by a site admin.. So you can now continue posting reviews and they will get approved as fast as possible..
That's a great idea that an admin. has to approve it! That way you can weed out the worthless reviews and put the ones that actually took time to make a review up! GOOD STUFF!!! 8) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Yeah, I like people who watch the entire set before their review. They should have some insight and a better description than "good subs" or audio "nothing wrong here". Those are fine with a couple of more sentences explaining why they are good subs but not great or why the audio sounded so good. :mrgreen:
I'm afraid my FOTNS review didn't go through. Hopefully it just needs to the OK from an admin.

yea it just needed an OK.. and i think JJ or someone did it.. ;o)