To all my green military brethrens, have any of you guys gotten the anthrax shot? I'm getting it this weekend plus getting issued desert cammies... well - just wondering what you guys are doing as the "you know what" is about to happen. I got a laptop with a portable dvdplayer ready, a cross rosary, a camelbak and I'm set for the dung to hit the fan.
Lance Corporal reporting from NYC - imminent threat, condition delta hows everyone doing out there?
If it does hit the fan(which it probably will)...
Good luck!
Wish you the best,
Me too! We've had our differences, but I wish you the best of luck and guidance. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
We had differences? I need guidance? say what? Whoa wait a minute, you kept hijacking all my threads pastry man... I'm scared of you... thanks for the sentiment though...
I wish you the best of luck!!! If possible, bring me a few of those....oh.....what are they called???.......OH YEAH now I remember, Bring me a few of those HUMAN HEADS so I can curse their families for generations to come!!! We can all sit in circle around them and piss on them to see who has the best acuracy too!!! It'll be fun I promise!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Be careful out there. I have the utmost respect for anyone in the military. It's because of you people that the rest of us can sleep quietly and in peace. A marine came to my school once and was barraged with questions about how he can do waht he do and he replied "I put my emotions, my family, my life on the side so I can make sure you guys can live in a world free of violence." He got an applause from me. Anyways, good luck out there, and kick some ass!!!!!
Quote:Originally posted by "NYxCalm"
To all my green military brethrens, have any of you guys gotten the anthrax shot? I'm getting it this weekend plus getting issued desert cammies... well - just wondering what you guys are doing as the "you know what" is about to happen. I got a laptop with a portable dvdplayer ready, a cross rosary, a camelbak and I'm set for the dung to hit the fan.
Lance Corporal reporting from NYC - imminent threat, condition delta hows everyone doing out there?
Yes i have gotten four of the eight shot series.. but they stopped giving them so i have to get them again.. ;o( I will tell you this the shot burns like hell and leave's a knot in your arm.. and good luck to yea.. who knows what will happen over here too.. sucks being so close to korea..
As Schultz put it..." It burns like hell" and is he telling the truth.
I have had all eight of the shots and it doesn't get better, or for me
it didn't. I was stationed in S. Korea for 1 year. And now that the North
(korea) has reopened it's Nuclar Factorys and what not... Schultz and I won't be leaving anywhere soon. Japan is afraid of the North send over missles and bio chems here. And the north has the weapons to hit Japan and Okinawa.
So I wish you the best and like all in the military family... We may rag on each other but no one (outside the military) picks on one of us with out having to deal with all of us.
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
so it burns??
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
Quote:Originally posted by "NYxCalm"
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
so it burns??
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
Yea it does. Plus this is the messed up part.. they won't give it to yea in teh same arm as the last shot because of the knoting and stuff in your arm.. and it sucks
1shot then wait
2weeks -> 2nd shot
4weeks -> 3rd shot
6months -> 4th shot
12month -> 5 shot and it stays that way till the 8th shot.. then you have to get a booster shot every year after that.. so the series really sucks and they get worse as the shots go..
hehe Rob... better deposit some semen into cold storage before u go infertile ;p
Ok seriously, the inevitable's gonna happen. air force, army, navy, marines, we're all waiting for the balloon to go up. will it be a war thats easy? who the heck knows, and not many could care less. korea, iraq, al qaeda, a camel, all the same crap, they're disrupting our lives, making us sacrifice time and worry our loved ones. hell, im gonna miss trading dvds and watching anime, and so are you guys. i know one thing, i'm not dying for my country, the other guy's gonna die for his.
at this point in juncture, everything's imminent - can't help but have deep soul searches to comprehend all this nonsense. scared? who isn't , fear element? yeah its there, i'm just as human as the next guy, but we got a job to do, we signed up for this, lets make it bloody and memorable if it comes to that. what are you gonna tell your kids? that you ran away? stayed behind and idled? enjoyed sniffing gas? went to a pointless war? i don't know, buts its all what we make of it.
ARMY! guard the rear
NAVY! ship us there!
AIR FORCE! don't bomb us!
Lance Corporal reporting from the NYC'
yea i know i do need to make a deposit.. LOL.. through this time around the Antrax they are giving us is well Approved and safe they say.. and the shit they where giving us before wasn't .. fuck.. and anyways i drink enough mountain dew i don't think i won't have a problem with the antrax. but Honestly you are right hopefully the Korea problem can be solved without us going in.. The problem where i am stationed is that Korea is our Forward deployment area.. So we will go before anyone else does if shit goes down. Also we can launch missions from here. But too bad i work in CES where we build and keep the bases running.. ;o( so i have to go if they need something built over there especially how i do Electrical Power Production.. where they need power i have to go.. ;o( But at least i like one thing, when the air force goes to fight we send out the Officers to do the bombing while the Enlisted waits for them at the base..

God Damn, and I thought the tetnus shots were bad. :?