12-31-2002, 12:13 PM
Pages: 1 2
12-31-2002, 12:45 PM
Manmilk now that is a phrase I will be finding ways toslip it into normal everyday conversation... I went out on the 30th (yes the night before New Years Eve) for a friends B-day. The night was great I sat and listen to a taping of Sex in the City right before my eyes. Man I tell you women are graphic. I had some manmilk of my own just listening to them talking about how to 2 hand a hard boner while playing with his balls... Key here is two hands on cock... how do you play with his balls... I learned much that night...
Oh and let me point out that I being 23 and male was listening to women ranging from 27 to 40 and it was the best because the drunker they got the better it got
Oh and let me point out that I being 23 and male was listening to women ranging from 27 to 40 and it was the best because the drunker they got the better it got
12-31-2002, 01:52 PM
Manmilk has 3000 calories. Hence those fat porn stars. However it has more potassium than any bannana could muster. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
12-31-2002, 02:13 PM
Yes Manmilk it's what's for dinner *new porn star slogan*
12-31-2002, 09:18 PM
Actually I think that is Dr. Pepper's new slogan. Steve did you mean your friends died inside Margaret Cho? 8O 8O 8O
01-01-2003, 12:47 PM
Who really knows? Tarantino was all over her. 

01-01-2003, 09:47 PM
He had sloppy seconds after I was through with her HEHEHEHEH 

01-03-2003, 06:26 AM
Say it was so Dark I have so much faith in your low self estem but that goes far to low... Margaret Cho... What neck we find you shoplifting with Wynona Rider... oops no wait that's my dark little secrect never mind...
01-03-2003, 10:24 PM
Well if it helps I'll let you in on another of my dirty little secrets. It WAS NOT me who jerked off George Clooney in the dumpster behind Dairy Queen but someone else who does post here. *coughstevecough* 8O 8O 8O :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
01-05-2003, 07:34 PM
I keep my findings in a mason jar. 8O

01-15-2003, 05:33 PM
Wait. That was Al Pacino. We look a like. ^_^
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