this is my first post on the website...i use to be a member on here a long long time ago and just was browsing through the website and wanted to stop question is that i dont really watch a lot of new anime i want a very selected few but my favorite anime is Ronin Warriors (samurai troopers) and im just looking for some anime that is very similar to this one
hi, welcome... it's kinda dead around here lately... sigh..
Ronin Warriors... hmmmm... you might try Saint Seiya.. Zodiak Knights... I haven't actually watched the Ronin Warriors, although my son has it, but I have seen some of the Saint Seiya so can't say for sure that it's similar...
Maybe some of the others who browse the forum have a better suggestion??
Not a lotta stuff that's overly similar to ronin warriors. Honestly, the closest things to it are sailor moon and the power rangers.
Cidien Wrote:Not a lotta stuff that's overly similar to ronin warriors. Honestly, the closest things to it are sailor moon and the power rangers.
laugh.. that just sounds funny for some reason... how about Power Stones? haven't seen it either... shrug...
thanks guys i have my lil girl who is 3 and loves it so im just looking for more anime to watch
Wow.... Thought i'd check back in, can't believe i'm here. Is it all officially dead? Is anyone still around?
well some of us are trying to keep it alive though

Ok, im curious. Who are you and why are you replying to a 5 1/2 year old post as if you're a frequent visited and poster trying to keep a dead site alive?