I'm not done orgasming yet..... such an epic trailer for an epic movie
It's supposed to be 170 minutes! That means it's gonna be almost 3 hours long! Hopefully iit'll be an awesome ride with plenty of conclusions from the second movie. The showdown between Sparrow and Davy Jones looks pretty promising for sure.
Those are some great lines in the trailer...
"Four of you have tried to kill me in the past, one of you succeeded." *everyone turns toward Elisabeth*
That looks great I can't wait.
*Jumps up and down*
Yo-ho, Yo-ho! A pirates life for me!!
I am throughly stoked for the release of this movie. The trailer was amazing and I'm sure the conclussion of this trilogy will not disappoint! Epic is the only word I can think of for this movie. I can't wait to be "blown out of the water!"
I guess I am the only one that hasn't been really taken by the Pirate movies. The first one was pretty good. The second one was overhyped and it was okay, but I have no idea how it was the number 1 movie in the world. I didn't think it was that great, but to each their own. I will probably wait for the dvd release of the third one.
Same here, the first one was great but the 2nd was like watching lost. They just made it up as they went along. The point of the movie was to find a point to the movie depp was only slighty funny and bloom and knightley were so bad I fell asleep when they were on. Dont see any point to the third one either. Guess bruckheimer just needs more money.
There are much better movies coming out, resident evil 3, spiderman3, 28weekslater.
Spiderman 3 i can see as a better movie. But after Resident Evil 2 sucked so bad and looked like a B rated movie and screwed so much up. I have no intent or hope on resident evil 3.
I loved the first 1 and didn't care so much for the 2nd one. But this 3rd Pirates of the Carabian looks like it will make up for the 2nd one and more.
I have hope for resident evil 3. The second one did completely suck compared to the first one though..
I'm really looking forward to silver surfer in fantastic four and transformers. Transformers looks like it's going to be better than I ever would have expected.
I'm with you on the Silver Surfer!!! I only hope they do Norrin Rad justice. At first I was really excited about the Transformers, I don't know. I'll go see it for the 8 year old in me that always loved the cartoon.
I'm not even going to watch Resident Evil 3. I can barely watch someone playing the game...I don't like scary/suspense/gore. No thank you!
I was hyped to no end when I first saw the 1min transformers bit a year ago and I have very high hopes that they can do the original transformers justice. Its fine that a few changes should be made and that not all transformers can be crammed into one film but they still have legions of old school fans to please not just kids who enjoy the endless garbage addon transformers series that have been thrown at us. As long as prime is a semi, bumblebee is yellow, and starscream is skeeming, Ill be happy. Changes like megatron transforming into a vehicle instead of starscreams bitchgun are fine.
I liked re1 and re2, I thought all the game omage content was fitting and they meshed the game story and film story just fine.
I liked the davy jones stuff and thats it so if they keep bloom and keira to a minimum and focus on depp and bill nigh I might see it.
The final spidey3 trailer says it all. They stuck really close to the original story even the church bell bit so Im hyped.
I loved 28days and even though doyle or the orignal cast arent back it looks really good.
Whos seen ATHF I was just listening to the soundtrack, hilarious. You must see this film.
The only ones I'm looking forward to are Pirates 3, Spidey 3, and Shrek 3. And all of them are in the same month.
Saw ATHF. Started getting boring. I can usually only watch about 2 episodes at a time and think it's funny so the movie just got old after a while. The beginning, sadly, is better than the whole rest of the movie imo. The beginning is awesome.
In Spider-man 3 the thing that irritated me the most is that they never once ever refer to the suit as the symbiot suit. They always, always call it the black suit. Either 1) the actors are stupid and still know very little about their characters or 2) the director is making a poor attempt at covering up something 99.9% of people going to the movie will already know.
I'm not nearly as irked about the suit not being referred to as the symbiote. When the original black suit was introduced it wasn't referred to as a symbiote for over a year if memory serves me correctly. I am a little surprised that the absense of a label would be enough to irk you.
I'm looking forward to seeing Spidey in the gold theaters here in Singapore. Tickets are $30 each but there are only 38 seats in the theater and they are all big lazy boy chairs with low frequency enhancers built into them. You also get a little blanket to curl up in and they will bring snacks right to you if there is anything you want to buy. Should be lots of fun.

How big is the screen in that theater sounds like my brothers home theater. He turned his entire basement into a theater better than going to the movies except for imax films.
Who cares what they refer to the suit as they have done it justice and thats what matters.
The screen is almost three stories tall.
One ;thing that bugs me about home theatres is that they are all using video to watch the movies. I realize that the resolution of video has increased but the dynamic range of the visuals still pale beside film. If you look at how rich the blacks are and how much detail there is in the whites along with the fact that film can handle both vibrant and subtle colours then video can't keep up.
The thing that makes me laugh is that even the best DLP and plasma screens can't compete with the dynamic range of a good old high quality CRT. Things have been improving over the past few years but I still prefer watching my movies on film.