If we really want to have a discussion about politics and the news, that's fine, but we should probably make another thread for it instead of keeping it in the 300 thread.
Most form of news and opinions have some form of bias views in them. Just some arguably have more than others. My options in my car is the Fox News Channel or two stations of CNN, there are probably others, but I don't have an updated channel listing for Sirius and I don't know what stations they're on. Now out of those two choices, I feel Fox is much more bias than CNN, but I'll still listen to Fox once in a while if CNN is replaying a story.... or listen to one of the music stations.
I listen to CNN to find out what the current events are, not to make my decisions for me. I think this is true about the majority of the people who pay attention to the news (excluding FOX News :eek: ).
Although I do agree that Saddam needed to be removed from power, I just blatantly disagree with the war in Iraq. It was not our war to begin with, and went into it under the impression that he still posed a terrorist threat since he wouldn't hand over his supposed WMDs. But we really shot ourselves in the foot with this one, there's no way we can withdraw troops from here any more... at least not until we know a civil war won't potentially break out after we leave.
However, I'm for the war in Afghanistan, but we really don't ever read much about that war anymore though.
Schultz, I don't listen to talk radio BS, that stuff is too boring to listen to, majority of that is "let's listen to what our listeners have to say". The CNN I listen to is the same news reports you listen to on the TV, just maybe a couple of minutes behind. If you listen to CNN for only a couple of stories a day, yes, they'll sound biased, but if you listen to them for like 8-hours a day, every few days, you'll notice that their coverage is pretty balanced.
Anyways, this will be my last post in a while, I'm moving everything in a U-haul and heading out to California tonight. But Schultz, if you want to start another forum, or maybe have a discussion through PM, I'd be glad to chat with you. But until I'm settled in, later.