12-23-2006, 11:14 PM
12-25-2006, 08:37 AM
So it takes you getting a Wii and the Browser on it so that you actually visit the forums again hunh? Btw email me your Wii Code so i can add you to my Wii!
12-25-2006, 09:24 PM
morgorath Wrote:Using the wii opera browser to start this thread. i hope you all have happy holidays and all get a wii.
Well, as a matter of fact, I DID actually get one.:eek: Funny thing is, my parents have played more than me I think. It is hooked up in the living room right now and I don't know if it will make it upstairs any time soon lol. Now I just need more Wii Remotes...
12-27-2006, 12:13 PM
Damnit. Just realized that you need to hook it up using USB if you don't have a wireless router. Well, It'll be a little longer before I can download Castlevania IV then.

01-02-2007, 12:28 AM
Schultz Wrote:So it takes you getting a Wii and the Browser on it so that you actually visit the forums again hunh? Btw email me your Wii Code so i can add you to my Wii!
Yea it has been a long while. Too long but being in college has given me some much need free time.