just watched the 1st 5 ep of GITS 2nd stage
there are some missing subs - but not much really in the 3rd episode...i had problem in the 5 rth ep and had to swicth to another DVD player to finish seeing the episode (it freeze) And in the 5th episode there's no End Credits and no Tachimomatic Days (is this well written ???

) .
Some words in the subs are ocassionaly stuck together (no space between them)
Why can't EZDVD release a set of their own without problems ? how i miss Flora DVDs;(
Mac seem to be better..even though they use some DVD5 :dead
What about FMA pt 2 ? any problems ?
I've pretty much given up on hkdvds-I used to buy quite a few-but now-it's either fansubs or Netflix's burn & return program. If you're gonna watch R1 rips-why not make em' yourself?
Thanks for the info re GITS 2 ... tho that is really depressing ...

Actually EZ noticed the problems with playback etc.. and are remastering them as we speak

~MAc has a set in their Coming Soon page...maybe their will be problem free...
The issue of missing subs is not new in EZDVD sets... This has problems, Samurai 7 has them and the 1st DVD (i am watching it also ) of FMA pt 2 also has missing subs

if your having issues with s7 then your the first i heard.
GITS was a problem with SOME stand alones, esp game systems when it was switching layers.
EZ has already fixed them and has sent out replacements, they cant forsee every issue with every player.
Saying you miss flora is your opinion, i have tons of FX stuff from those days that is just unwatchable.
I have had zero issues with FMA 2, S7, etc. Some of my customers had issues with GITS 2nd, and EZ quickly (less then 10 days) remastered disks 1 & 3 and they are out.
Ordered FMA part 2 and the movie from here a couple days ago. Will let ya know how they are. Sounds like FMA part 2 is at least ok so far though.
Sorry for the double post. Server lagged out, didn't think it posted the first one.
bmvtoys Wrote:if your having issues with s7 then your the first i heard.
But earlier at AN you wrote that you "
noticed about 5 lines missing on the first 2 disks" of Samurai 7. And that's what Swan was talking about, right? :confused:
i havent had those issues though. I have been told there were 5 lines missing in the first 2 generations of the set. They are in thier 9th revision from what i understand now.
I go on what im told from customers (such as you) and what the suppliers tell me.
Of all the headaches i have had from EZ sets, there have only been 2, which both were never even known of, they were:
Sayuki Reload. Disk 1 was bad. No menu.
They fixed it in 3 days.
Studio Ghibli Master Collection. 2 Bad Disks. Fixed in 7 days.
Hope i get the fixed EZDVD set o GITS 2 then...
Mac used to have problem with missing subs in their sets maybe something like 3/4 years ago ???, but they fixed it.
EZDVD should fix their issues too... i am "afraid" to buy these first prints of EZDVDs r1 ripped sets, because of the problems that i read ppl complaining about...
at least they are aware and try to fix it...but a little more control quality would be desirable. Oh well...we are talking about HKDVDs

its not missing subs, its the player, have to put your player in 16:9 resolution.
As far as the fixed GITS, i suggest you find a trustable retailer and ask them if they are the fixed ones. I for one will have the fixed ones monday. B
Ah okay,
I admit I still have to watch my own EZ Samurai 7 set in its entirity to see if anything's missing or not. From my spot check there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. Maybe 'cause my player is set to 16:9 and I eliminated the TV overscan (ergo no picture loss).
alot of the MAC sets have the same issue, they are formatted for 16:9 and its strange why they do this. A local HK Live action producer is doing the same thing. Its very unnerving.
MAC used to do good stuf-but all I've seen in the past year is crap.