Well after being shelved 3 times its back in production with a guaranteed speilberg directing and lucas working on the screenplay and producing and thus far ford will for sure play jones, connery and davies are rummored to be taking up the manlte yet again (lets hope so) you need those characters and you need those actors.
All we can do is pray they dont try to cake the make up and just accept the fact their all old.:o
geo85 Wrote:All we can do is pray they dont try to cake the make up and just accept the fact their all old.:o
Yeah, I also think that's the way to go. Everybody knows their old anyway. Funny thing though is that Sean Connery is only 12 years older than Harrison Ford and he plays his father in the movies. This wasn't particularly noticeable back in 89 but nowadays it is. Connery has barely aged while Ford looks like a tired old man.
Anyway, as a huge fan of the Indiana Jones movies I hope they do a good job by prioritizing the story, not the special effects.
Is "Temple of Bengay" the real name? I saw the therad and thought you where making fun of something, but if that is real WTF?!
Blight Wrote:Is "Temple of Bengay" the real name?
Yes. That is the real name.
Try using some common sense.
Vicious Wrote:Yes. That is the real name.
Try using some common sense.
Dude, I have looked at way too many words in different languages lately for common sense to even be relevant when it comes to names anymore. There are some seriously retarded sounds (that aren't pronounced anything like they look) that come from different dialects.
The current title is Indianna Jones and the ravages of time, but as anyone with knowledge of hollywood knows thats not going to be the final title.
Why would Speilberg and Lucas make any sort of inferrence to there being a hidden temple containing Bengay ( a cream used to soothe aching joints and muscles ). Thanks for not having faith in my ability to make funny quirps. Such a Blight on my sense of humor.
The wit and humor laced throughout intelligent scripts is why the first 3 films are and have been so successful. If they stick to that it'll be awesome. As long as Lucas and Speilberg stick to their original format we have nothing to worry about. But the fact that Lucas had considered making special editions of the films tells me we better not hold our breaths.

geo85 Wrote:Why would Speilberg and Lucas make any sort of inferrence to there being a hidden temple containing Bengay ( a cream used to soothe aching joints and muscles ). Thanks for not having faith in my ability to make funny quirps. Such a Blight on my sense of humor.
Dude, that was a groaner. You missed the point of what I said anyway. There are NO ancient temples that get their (real) name from English. And so, it wouldn't necessarily be bengay, but maybe something like beangia, if it had Asian influence or something. It had more to do with my frame of mind. I have been looking through lots of different languages to find names and terms that have symbolism for the story I'm writing. It may look stupid to other people but my mind was in a completely different frame and wasn't on your "joke"dude.
Now your just meaninglessly rambling!

geo85 Wrote:Now your just meaninglessly rambling!
Oh, and I suppose calling the movie ?and the temple of bengay? was meaningful. You know, what I said might have had meaning if you could, you know comprehend it. I was explaining why bengay was more complicated a matter for me than maybe it should have been. But all that remains is YOUR JOKE SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then why did you respond to it, who is more foolish the fool or the fool who follows him.
Just drop it its going nowhere.
geo85 Wrote:who is more foolish the fool or the fool who follows him.
Quoting one of my favorite lines ever. I like it. And it's from another Harrison Ford movie.
Ben-Gay or biengia aside - Why would they make another Indiana Jones movie and name it 'Temple of' anything? Seriously? Or 'Raiders of the' anything? They would never reuse a similar title. There is alot of common sense lacking on Blight's part in this thread. Just look at all the James Bond movies. How many of them have similar titles?
If Spielberg AND Lucas are working on this then why are we even debating if its going to be good. If these guys an't make it work no one can.
Its been a while since I've seen Ford in a good movie. He's great.