Dude that's like being given the opportunity to take a dumptruck full of money and running the opposite direction. Gay.
I guess they would rather throw money at failed remakes and garbage action flicks than a film-adaptation to the most sucessful video game of all time, one with a massive fan base so massive that in NA atleast you can't walk 50 feet without seeing someone thats played and in all likelyhood enjoyed it.
Someone else will snap it up.I wonder if they were just trying to force him to direct it himself.
Its been put on hold till there is enough money to make it how they want it.
I've read they're planing a budget of $200mil. Its a big enough risk making a movie with that budget period, let alone a movie based on a game which are notoriously bad.
Well microsoft has the money to do it. They just want other film company's to work with i guess. They are now still searching for another film company to work with.