hello, i just rented silent hill from blockbuster. i thought it was pretty good. i understood everything about it except the ending. so could someone help me out. when they get back to their house how come they are in a different perspective? are they dead? in a different universe? im very confused on this. and i thought it was a rather cheap way to end the movie.

They were dead since the accident. So was everyone else they could see. That's why nobody else could see them and all that crazy shit was happening.
whoa, so how did they die? from the accident? u think they knew? whoa seemed like alot of people was dying, but they were all already dead yet they died again? i r confused! :confused:
Those people didn't entirely realize they were dead I don't think. They had their heads shoved so far up their asses they refused to move on. Their "faith" kept them there. The childs hate kept her there. And yes they died in the accident.
BTW I went with 7 people originally and only one other person knew they were dead even after the end of the movie. Second time I went with 3 people and I was the only one that knew. Not to mention probably 10 people grumbling about a "stupid" ending because they didn't understand it.
Personally I figured it out pretty early on. I thought it was fairly obvious. Guess not from all the people that didn't understand it.
The games are the same, the protagonist(s) is(are) always dead...
I read an interveiw with the series producer back when the original came out and he discribed Silent Hill as "The waiting room for hell" I still really like the idea of that, even to this day!
I was a bit confused as well to be honest. Wouldnt they of moved on though after they cleared it all up :confused:
I think the movie is based on Silent Hill 2 the game. Instead of a man, they used a woman for the role. If you've played the game, it might clear things up.
YamiFan Wrote:I think the movie is based on Silent Hill 2 the game. Instead of a man, they used a woman for the role. If you've played the game, it might clear things up.
but it's so scary! lol nah i kid, but i never really liked the games controls for any survival horror game. it's either press up they go down and to the right or the controls feel so stiff.
Agreed. The controls completely turn me off of any silent hill or resident evil game, which is a shame because from the little I played the silent hill games seemed pretty good.
Silent Hill is fantastic, easily my fave survival Horror franchise... They changed the controls on Resident Evil for the forth game, it used to be 2D controls in a 3D enviroment, and you're right they were awful... I'd reccomend you give 4 a go tho, it really is quite good. Silent Hill 4 on the other hand was a bit of a step back for the series... I wish they'd remake the first one maybe on the PS3...
Oh the movie by the way is loosly based on the first game...
I've seen hours of play on 4 by my friends. I'd play it but I absolutely hate babysit missions and that whole game is one giant babysit mission. And she's annoying too. I just wanna shoot her in the face and help the enemy out.
Cidien Wrote:I've seen hours of play on 4 by my friends. I'd play it but I absolutely hate babysit missions and that whole game is one giant babysit mission. And she's annoying too. I just wanna shoot her in the face and help the enemy out.
lol yeah i can definately agree with that! i cant stand holding someone's hand while playing a game. oh and the best part is when they die, it's usually game over! how stupid! that's why i never tried ico.
I got the ending except why they were stuck in the half way type world.
OT Descent has a much more screwy ending.Its like they couldnt decide on and ending and did both.
after reading through the forum posts for silent hill question
i thought you people might like a movie called crazy as hell
just a thought
i thought it was pretty good and pretty original for when it was made at least from what i had seen