I am new here, for a long while I was looking for a site that had information and reviews on R-0, etc, and etc anime DVD's. ((basically the non licensed U.S DVDs)) I ran into this site..by uhh.. *forgot* Whoa I am absent minded. However this place is really awesome, it has reviews on virtually everything..how clever!! How is everyone?! Hmm...I have a question..well a few as a matter of fact [heh.. ^_^;;] 1st of all..has anyone seen the Final Fantasy Unlimited Complete release ((I believe it was released by AI)) if so, are the subs good..how is the show as a whole..as a hard core Final Fantasy fan I am very intersted. Another..where can you get the new FX Ruroni Kenshin Complete? I cannot seem to find it on ebay or anything..another..how much is it going for about? Hmm..what else..oh the store here seems to have good prices and whatnot..yep i'll probable get something soon enough..I have a question though..do you know where one can get FX releases other than on ebay for good prices..I like the pretty cases on the inside..welp I am shallow..hehehe..anyways..
take care,
talk to yall later,
Hello Todd, and welcome to the site.

First I must compliment the awsome screen name you have, RAINING UPWARDS. That inspires me.
I really can't help you with the Final Fantasy stuff but my friend MATTHEWMALAY can help you. I think he was the one talking about that very sreies. On the other hand, try animeniacs.com, they have lots of stuff too, LOTS. What this site doesn't have they probably will and what they don't have this site probably have. Well that's all I can do. Hope to chat with you later. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote:Originally posted by "Raining Upwards"
Another..where can you get the new FX Ruroni Kenshin Complete? I cannot seem to find it on ebay or anything..another..how much is it going for about?
Okay Todd, first off, welcome to the boards. You can get the FX release of the Kenshin Perfect Collection at
http://www.animeniacs.net. It runs for $54 per set, or for $100 with both sets together. Good luck.
Bella said she wouldn't sell it until her MI's were gone.
Quote:Originally posted by "Suzakuseikun"
Bella said she wouldn't sell it until her MI's were gone.
Doh that sucks..
I just wanted to welcome you here. This site is a wealth of information I use daily. Have a good time. 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
Welcome to the boards, as mentioned earlier, this site is a wealth of info about HKDVDs, reviews, screenshots, you'll find it all here.
I think everyone named almost all of the reliable HKDVD sellers in North America but I wanted to mention the ebay seller animehits, good prices and he gets fx titles first (I think he is the only one that sells them, everyone else gets it from him)
As for Final Fantasy Unlimted, I don't own the any of the HK sets so I can't comment on the subs on them but I can comment on the series itself. I didn't care too much for it, I found the 2 main characters to be quite annoying. The only character I liked was Kaze and his demon gun, it was fun to guess what kind of summon creature would come out of that gun next. In the beginning it was to cool to see all the Final Fantasy references but that wore of after a while and the series had way too many CG scenes, and IMO they weren't even really well done. It had a real good ending episode though, the story was wrapped up well, questions were answered, a few surprises.
If only all anime series ended this good, cough*Berserk*cough.
mathew, cookiejarvideo gets it directly from Flora too
That's what I said, all sellers get theiir Fx titles from him.
Isn't animehits and Flora the same person?
oops my bad... i read to fast and thought u said that animeniacs gets all FX titles first and everyone gets it from him... yea animehits is flora and flora makes FX titles
Why'd he stop selling under Florachanxxx? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Who knows. Probably wanted a change. 8O 8O 8O 8O
Thank you guys for all your warm welcomes. I decided to get the Kenshin Series later on when I have some more of the cashola..hehe I want to get it alltogether and not just one set and then buy the other later on as I will be left hungry for more.
anyways..talk to yall later
take care,
Yeah. One extended viewing is the best way to truly enjoy a series. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: