been looking for a site that may have Japanese music ,
in particular that of : Kotaro Oshio , tried all the usual - hes so
popular yet nothing comes up - is there any site maybe in Japan or China , etc ? thanks !

You can try for japanese music in general but all they have of Kotaro Oshio is an avi with an interview and some live performances. If you're interested in videos there are plenty of them at You can listen to Japanese music on but they don't have Kotaro Oshio.
Well, my advice is, don't look for japanese music on websites, look for it using stuff like DC++, Limewire, etc.
puzzleguy Wrote:been looking for a site that may have Japanese music ,
in particular that of : Kotaro Oshio , tried all the usual - hes so
popular yet nothing comes up - is there any site maybe in Japan or China , etc ? thanks !
Try Limwire. I get all my J-music there. Furthermore, it's a breeze to download, usually within a minute or so. Note: a lot of times, the asian songs on limewire a little outdated.
Limewire and Torrents is pretty much what I have used in the past. Used to use WinMX before that got axed. They had even more than Limewire does now surprisingly. But limewire still has a pretty amazing amount of songs from all over on there. That was where I found Electric Eel Shock (which are awesome), Mad Capsule Markets, most of my Dir en Grey stuff, and I finally just got Re: Member from FLOW this morning.