Considering how much I liked Equilibrium I had hopes for Ultraviolet but I was wrong. It had some very artistic cg that I really liked, and for the first 20 minutes had some really great action and fight scenes, then it died, the dialouge was worse than anything George Lucas has forced actors to utter, the story was lame, bland, boring, and not very exciting, all in all don't even bother thinking about watching this movie, Mila's great on screen presence is totally wasted on Kurt's I'll throw everything and at you and the kitchen sink snorefest. He cant handle exposition, and treats the audience llike we all have add spelling out things we are looking at, he also does a very good job of overusing the same shot and fight coreography over and over. Normally in a movie you attach yourself to at least one character but there is no one to like in this movie.
Kurt what happened???

I saw it a few weeks back and nothing about it stuck. I know it was about vampires but the rest I've forgot. I saw it on the same day as i saw bloodrayne and i remember alot more from that movie (mostly the gory parts) so I'd say they're on par (since it can't be worse). They both sucked. Also both females in the movies can't fight at all. It looked so fake and repetitive. They should take a look at the matrix chick.
But I also didn't like equilibrium. Not enough gun action and when they did it was in the dark. You only get to see their gun moves a few times in the whole movie. The gun-kata thing was a new concept for me so I'd liked to have seen more of it.
I agree, Kurt should have done a sequel about the clerics trying to maintain order in the now anarchaic society and just juiced up the fighting and action and cg, Bale should have reprised his role, and they could have done a really awesome really long hand trapping gun sequence like they should have with the first one.
I bought Ultraviolet when it came out. Sure the story isn't great but I think some of the fight scenes are worth it. A few times even those get lame like when mila breaks through a guys sword with hers. Then she does it again. Then she does it again....
The first 20 minutes are very cool too. I love the chase scene.
Bloodrayne, Ultraviolet, Aeon Flux - they all look the same kinda movies rehashed with subtle story changes and different actors.
And Equilibrium - snor. I tried keeping myself awake through that film but I just couldn't. But I kinda new none of them would be good from the ads themselves. Its a shame Milla Jovovich keeps picking these crappy kinda movies, because she actually is a good actress.