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I still can't believe this video but it's too stupid to not be funny. It truly shows the most insane fear I've ever personally heard of a fear of pickles.
Is that for real?! How can someone be afraid of something that can't possibly harm her in any way, it just lies there! I mean, I don't like pickles either but being afraid of them is simply extreme. On the other hand, I think it was extremely cruel of them to force her to see pickles the way they did. It's a ridiculous fobia but a fobia nonetheless.
hm... maybe she has a phobia towards all phallic-looking objects?
Ha that is so funny. What the hell though? If it was a reaction to the taste then maybe but running away from a pickle?! I once saw this show with wierd phobias and this one huge scary looking guy was scared of cotton wool! A pickle could maybe bruise you if you threw it but cotton wool?! Where do these irational fears come from...
gubi-gubi Wrote:Ha that is so funny. What the hell though? If it was a reaction to the taste then maybe but running away from a pickle?! I once saw this show with wierd phobias and this one huge scary looking guy was scared of cotton wool! A pickle could maybe bruise you if you threw it but cotton wool?! Where do these irational fears come from...

Who the hell know's haha but something tells me the worlds better off not knowing...
It's probably real. Some people have F'd up phobias. I would not feal one bit bad throwing a pickle at that girl. I hate super irrational fears like that.
I think this is BS personally. I'm not saying that it is necessarily impossible to be afraid of a damned pickle, but if you were afraid of them as badly as she is supposed to be, there isn't anything on this planet could get you to go a whole plant full of them. If someone tried to make me go to some place filled with spiders like that, I would kick, scream at, claw, and bite anyone who got near me. There is no way in hell someone with a fear that strong is going to agree to that.
Blight Wrote:There is no way in hell someone with a fear that strong is going to agree to that.

You forget how desperatly people want to get on TV. People will put themselves through anything to get their 15mins.
gubi-gubi Wrote:You forget how desperatly people want to get on TV. People will put themselves through anything to get their 15mins.

Well yeah if the fear is manageable, but by all accounts this fear of hers is not supposed to be a manageable fear. If it really is that strong, she wouldn't go to that factory. So while I think she may in fact have a minor to intermediate level of fear of pickles, she doesn't have the level of free she professes to have on the show, because it would be a seriously traumatizing event for her.

on a side note, this does rank up there with the more silly conversation I have ever had.
Gosh you scared me there for a minute , every knows the answer to this one --- George Bush Jr.
puzzleguy Wrote:Gosh you scared me there for a minute , every knows the answer to this one --- George Bush Jr.

I won't get into that didn't want to get into politics causes too many problems though I believe I've been clear on that subject before.
I know, that V for Vendetta thread was pretty extreme with the politics lol...