Happy birthday Zag.
Thanks for keeping the boards clean and civil. You know its the fear people have for you that keeps us in line

Yep have a good one and cheers for making this a happy place

36 nice round number. Get smashed have fun happy bday.
Happy Birthday!!
Well, I haven't had the kid yet, so there is still hope for sharing the 7th with you...though not much.
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone.
Ka-Ta... don't worry about sharing the day... maybe we can work on taking over the entire month around here...
Happy birthday oldie, forgot it was 4 days after mine
36 y.o :-) , hope you won't age to much so that your daughter still recognize you ;-)
Dammit! I missed this thread yesterday! :mad: Sorry about that Zagatto.
I hope you had a really nice birthday!

Ka-Talliya Wrote:Happy Birthday!!
Well, I haven't had the kid yet, so there is still hope for sharing the 7th with you...though not much.
Come on, poop him out already. It can't be that hard

Happy Birthday Zag! hope you had a good one... how was the hangover? ;p
as for Ka-Talliya, I say the 11th is the magic day

elcoholic Wrote:Come on, poop him out already. It can't be that hard 
I think I'd be just a little concerned if someone "pooped" out a baby :p
I agree with you on that one, Vegeta. I would be more than a little concerned if someone "pooped" one out.
And JJ, we will see what happens on the the 11th. So far, just a lot of pressure and some pain...but you still have 4 hours.
Happy be-lated birthday, Zagatto. Hope you had yourself a great one.
Happy birthday! Sempai!!!