well one movie i saw that i thought would suck but turned out to be pretty good was cutey honey (live action). I havnt seen the original series but i thought eh id pick this up for a laugh just to see what its like and actually i was kinda impressed not to say its amazing or anything but it definately was way cooler then power rangers ever was
oh and heathers (just joking i hate that movie....)
Pirates of the Caribbean (no.1) - while I knew Johnny Depp was in it, the story seemed the usual boring 'save the girl' Hollywood kinda movie. Especially because of Orlando Bloom (I really hate him, except in LOTR - he was awesome in that) But I watched my friends DVD of it just to see it, and I loved it! Can't wait to see the sequel this summer

40 Year Old Virgin. Thought it was gonna be a fairly tasteless movie with a lot of jokes about the virigin. Turns out that most of the jokes really aren't in the form of degrading him. And they made the virgin have a backbone at least, unlike the stereotype of how we'd actually picture a 40-year old Star Wars fan virgin.
I don't remember any movie I thought would suck that turned out pretty good, maybe because they all actually sucked. :p I do remember some movies that I wasn't expecting to be anything special and turned out to be quite nice if not spectacular. One of them is The Matador with Pierce Brosnan. This movie is a nice mix of comedy, crime, drama and thriller and let me tell you, even the drama manages to be amusing. It was nice to see Pierce Brosnan in a decadent yet goofy part.
A movie that I didn't even intend to watch but is now one of my favourite is Oldboy. Fabulous movie! And then there's My Sassy Girl. Best romantic comedy I ever watched. All I knew before watching it was that it was based, very closely, on real life events. Well, it's amazing!
If you didn't know that actually happened you'd say such a coincidence would never happen in real life.
Yeh it's quite a tough question, I really can't think of that many... I don't know, maybe some cheesy horrors that actually turned out quite good. Like maybe Wolf Creek and House of Wax or something. I didn't have high expectations for them (Im like that with most horror though) but I guess I was pleasantly suprised... I don't normally get that freaked out by horrors and I expect them to be scarier than they are but The Texas Chain Saw Massacre remake scared the hell out of me in a way I didn't think possible with all the watered down horror these days. I guess I set my sights low with horror but other films I don't go in with any expectations and try to watch as much diverse films as I can or if it looks that bad just avoid it.
sorry, but i can only think of movies i thought would be great, but only sucked...
The only one I can think of was Batman Begins, when I heard they were making another Batman I immedietly recalled the retinna burning images of the last two garbage-fests and when I saw the few photos they released of the suit and the car I thought WTF. Then I was blown away by the awesomeness of the movie and saw it 3 times in the theaters.
Other than that any movie I thought would suck, sucked.
Eh, One movie I thought was going to suck was The Matrix. I had only seen the previews for the movie and I was like, WTF is there a piont to this movie? Once i saw it, I Immediatly regreted thinking it was gona be garbage. On the other hand, I thought Reloaded and Revelotion was gona be the sh*t, and was drastically disapionted. *Tear*
The remake of The Hills Have Eyes was a very pleseant surprise
Honestly, I didn't think V for Vendetta was going to be very good. Turned out to be a kick butt movie!!!
Can't think of any it's usually the exact opposite where I think it will be good and it ends up being trash. Oh well
Yeah, i can think of plenty movies i thought were good but sucked. This is much harder.
Maybe the Hulk movie. There were alot of comic movies being made then and most sucked pretty bad (only x-men and spiderman were good). I expected it to suck like daredevil and electra but the Hulk movie blew me away. I loved the cgi hulk opposed to alot of people who hated him.
Oh, and Bewitched. I had that movie on my harddrive for almost a year I think and finnaly watched it last week. Very funny movie and Nicole Kidman is just too beautiful and sweet in that movie. I didn't think it would be that good so I never really watched it.
And a movie i had no expectations for but turned out to be great was "11:14". Now this is a movie i can recommend to everyone. Its filmed ala pulp fiction where 4 story lines come together in a great way.
Hulk was good? *shudder* that movie was horrible... it had potential to be good, but it sucked bad... the whole transitions between schenes were horrible... from right to left?? from bottom to top??
the whole thing where they went out of their way to show that all those choppers he blew out of the sky and all the tanks he throw a mile out, had their pilots survive and come out simply dazed...
horrible... he could have been an Xmen... but it became a b-movie.
I liked the action. Hulk was strong and they showed that pretty well. I haven't really payed attention to the camera work but when Hulk went on a rampage he destroyed everything and they showed that really well.
elcoholic Wrote:I liked the action. Hulk was strong and they showed that pretty well. I haven't really payed attention to the camera work but when Hulk went on a rampage he destroyed everything and they showed that really well.
Hulk was pretty awful. An action film needs more than just action if you ask me. Didn't even get that blown away by the action in it really.