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Andromeda18_ Wrote:Okay, so now explain to me how characters in a game can possibly think they're better than everyone else because they're pretty. As far as I know ficticious characters can't think.

They obviously don't think themselves. Come on, once again this is an indirect reference at the writers who (don't) develop the characters seem to have this perception It is superimposed on the character, since they don't think. Or the writers simply just want to recycle what has been done before, since it seems popular.

Andromeda18_ Wrote:It's not any different with 'careless about their image', tough looking guys. They're everywhere as well and have been everywhere for a much longer period of time.

YOU ARE RIGHT! Are you starting to get that I hate to see the same thing over and over again in stories, and that that one sucks too. Along with the "my parents are dead" thing, the "chosen one" bullshit and stuff like technology/power is inherently evil. ALL of that stuff sucks. FF just seems to glorify one of those a little more often than some of the other cut and paste RPG?s out there.

Andromeda18_ Wrote:I never said you had to be like me, nor like the same things I do. If we all liked the same things it would be plain boring. But I do detect a bit of prejudice in there, not against characters in a game since that's all they are, but against people (men) who worry about their appearance.

No never mind, you aren't. You would rather try to project onto me your feelings of how I see metrosexual guys, fake ones at that. You know, I don't really have an opinion. Some of my High school friends were those guys. Some times I thought they were a little strange, other times I saw the results of a guy getting a manicure in the curvy form of the girls they went home with. At this point I say forget it. You made your mind up about what I think a long time ago. I don?t think I can convince you of why I have my stance, and no longer care either.
I didn't say you were idolizing him I said scientologists idolize L ron hubbard, a cowardly man that kept little girls as wives. The great man that created scientology was nothing more than a opium doped child rapist.

Why dont you two just drop it it's not going anywhere!?
We all have our own views, lets move on.
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