I wanted to talk about this in a non-Firefly orietned forum. Let's get the first thing out of the way: I just finished watching Firefly, loved it, and want more.
Well, i went online after finishing the series to see if by the grace of god Joss Whedon decided to fight for hsi series some more. Well, it may be a hopeless cause, but people are still dying for more Firefly they are calling for people to buy the DVD on June 23. There's also a seperate movement called
Serenity Now/Equality Now. Some folk have organized to get some of their local theaters to do a screening of Serenity with all profits going to support Joss Whedon's Favorite Charity, Equality Now. The official site is
Do you guys think this will accomplish anything? I'm hoping so, since as of yesterday i've gone off the deep end and started an attempt to bring it to Elmira, NY.
No. Only time fox did anything intelligent is bring back family guy.
More would be cool but the only thing I wanna know is who the shepperd was. They killed him in the movie and they still didn't tell you who the hell he was!
No and I never really had to desire to see it or the movie Serenity and that has not changed.
As far as it accomplishing anything the sales would literally have to be insane for Fox to give a damn. To be simple? They would have to be too great for any company to ignore.
I loved the movie but still haven't seen the tv series yet. Is there a boxset available that has both in? If so i'll prob get that then watch it.
It wouldn't have to Fox that brought it back though right?
gohan32 Wrote:It wouldn't have to Fox that brought it back though right?
What are you asking?
Firefly is one of my all time favourite series that I've ever seen. The characters in that series had more depth than just about any other series I can mention and I frequently found my jaw hanging when something totally unexpected happened.
I mean... really... when was the last time you saw the good guy in a series intentionally push a guy into a jet engine? Not even in the middle of a fight... the fight was over... the bad guy was tied up and helpless.
What a great show.
Zagatto Wrote:I mean... really... when was the last time you saw the good guy in a series intentionally push a guy into a jet engine? Not even in the middle of a fight... the fight was over... the bad guy was tied up and helpless.
What a great show.
Wow that sounds as badass as the Noir anime was. I never watched the Firefly series or movie before, seems like I should change that.

gohan32 Wrote:It wouldn't have to Fox that brought it back though right?
You mean it would not have to be the Fox network that puts it back on the air right?
My friend won't shut up about this series. And now that it's like $29.99 for the full tv series at Walmart, it might be worth picking up sometime.
Then again, i'm not much of a fan of sci-fi related shows. So that's probably why I haven't bought it yet.
If it makes you feel any better... the show is more of a western than sci-fi.
Come to think of it... Firefly really doesn't qualify as science fiction because it never brings up any science at all. Sure there are space ships and laser guns but it's just assumed that they work. What makes this a great series is the interactions between the characters and some of the best dialogue since before Tarantino got lazy.
This is a fine example of why I try not to blindly follow genres (ie. anime, sci-fi, crime shows, reality TV...) and search out the best in each genre. There are always titles that rise above the others in a particular field and those are the ones worth watching. For me it's about the depth of the characters, the creativity of the writing and the quality of the production that make a show.
I've wanted to watch Firefly, but if I'm left with a sense of wanting more...that's not very satisfying. Is it worth the experience just to be frustrated by a lack of closure?
See, years ago I started watching Earth 2. Yes, it was relatively dumb. But like Firefly, got cancelled and I still have a lot of questions about the people and the plot!!
I don't really want to do that again.
So, is it worth it?
It's defintely worth watching and the movie Serenity gives you plenty of closure and leaves enough open for more. Firefly is my favorite TV series ever. Over the past three years I have turned over 30 people into Browncoats by lending out my DVDs. It's a wonderful experience that should not be missed, and when you find out how great it is, you will want to share it with everyone you know.
Evilomar is right. I think the only thing they don't explain is who the shepper is/was before. Was so curious and was pissed when the movie didn't even tell you!
Maybe I'll talk Schultz into going to get it for me so I can watch it while I'm on bedrest. Not much else to do right now...