Does anyone care about David Blaine's new stunt? I'm so sick of him. I just seem to hate everything he does. He said he won't do another stunt in the UK anymore because of the bad reception he got last time with the fasting in a box thing (people egged him and flew cheesburgers on RC helicopters infront of the box to piss him off lol). Is it me or does anyone else think he's a fake arrogant fraud? He's a magician yet tries to make out all his stuff is real...
gubi-gubi Wrote:Does anyone care about David Blaine's new stunt? I'm so sick of him. I just seem to hate everything he does. He said he won't do another stunt in the UK anymore because of the bad reception he got last time with the fasting in a box thing (people egged him and flew cheesburgers on RC helicopters infront of the box to piss him off lol). Is it me or does anyone else think he's a fake arrogant fraud? He's a magician yet tries to make out all his stuff is real...
He's a worthless asshole fraud whos his own biggest fan and that fees his gigantic ego.
Well he sure isn't popular in the UK. I don't know if any other countries got to see his antics he pulled on UK tv a while back but he wouldn't answer any questions in a live interview on breakfast tv and then just held out his hand with a crappy eye drawn on it in felt pen and said 'protection'... He looked stoned out of his tree. I hope he drowns in his new stunt...
![[Image: david_blane_main.jpg]](
gubi-gubi Wrote:Well he sure isn't popular in the UK. I don't know if any other countries got to see his antics he pulled on UK tv a while back but he wouldn't answer any questions in a live interview on breakfast tv and then just held out his hand with a crappy eye drawn on it in felt pen and said 'protection'... He looked stoned out of his tree. I hope he drowns in his new stunt...
![[Image: david_blane_main.jpg]](
I remember that guy. The first time I'd ever seen him perform "street magic" I was amazed. After watching Criss Angel (Chris?), the next time I saw that guy I was like, 'faggot, just stop while you're not embrassing yourself'.
Is that the guy who is staying in the sphere of water for a week? He doesn't look anything like that pic?
Anyway, I laughed so hard when he was in london and people were messing with him. We would have done the same.
I remember some of he's card tricks seeming cool to me years ago. The stunt he did where he like froze him self or something was when I started not to care anymore. I feel a bit bad for not being impressed, it must be painful to freeze your self.
Oh well I guess it's his felt for doing it to begin with.

I think he got out of the magic business a while back. I'm pretty sure he figured out that his street magic really wasn't that impressive so he gave up on that. Now all he does are stunt performances.
And his brag to hold the breath the longest underwater on the final day will most-likely not be included in the guiness. Since I think if he's breathes pure oxygen, which is being fed to him in a tube, it would give him an advantage. And if I'm not mistaken, breathing pure oxygen is against the rule for breath holding.
I think the record in the guiness is 8 minutes and change. Dunno if he'll be able to break that record even with the pure oxygen feed.
That's just stupid. Lets see, what other stunt can I pull that may give me slight brain damage just so I can get a little blip in a book read mainly by 14 year olds just as easily impressed by someone who can do a backflip without a tramp.
It wont be a record because hes a magician! Hes not really doing any of these stunts. That's the main reason I hate him so much. His street magic was good because he said it was magic...
gubi-gubi Wrote:It wont be a record because hes a magician! Hes not really doing any of these stunts. That's the main reason I hate him so much. His street magic was good because he said it was magic...
Dude, I would think he does these stunts, since he basically retired in the magic business already, and is known as an endurance stunt performer now. Plus, since he was hospitalized for a month and was documented at losing 45 pounds from his last stunt, I would say he actually didn't fake it. They're endurance stunts, not magic. He can be seen in every angle by any person walking by at any time of the day. There's really no magic to it, he's in a sphere of water, and he gets fed food and air in a tube.
Obviously magic isn't real, it's an illusion. But if you can make it seem real to the eyes you are fooling, then you have succeeded in your job. His street magic were very simple tricks that fooled a live audience. In fact, I think he published a book with some of his tricks in them. I think it's actually pretty cool that he's willing to his stuff in front of real people.
Criss Angel on the other hand, claims to be doing his tricks in a live audience, but the audience are actually paid actors. A couple of them are fairly obvious if you know how to catch the hints of the tricks. Here's a link of one of Criss Angel's tricks, with some paid audience. There's a reason why Criss takes the time to take off his shoes, and the camera only focuses on just Criss instead of the window. There's a reason why the "shop owner" goes inside to "see the trick from inside". A normal audience member, even if he did own the shop, wouldn't be that assertive in someone else's illusion.
EDIT: Here's the link...
Psygnius Wrote:They're endurance stunts, not magic. He can be seen in every angle by any person walking by at any time of the day. There's really no magic to it, he's in a sphere of water, and he gets fed food and air in a tube.
Well, taking that into account, I think it is pretty lame. He can starve himself for a long ass time and end up in the hospital. He has a strong will, along with exhibitionist and masochistic tendencies, whoopee. I think it is funny as hell that someone would fly a cheeseburger on an RC chopper in front of his face though. I'm not saying that what he does are small feet?s, I?m just say I, and it appears a lot of other people, just really don't give a shit.
And not to put words in his mouth, but I think that Gubi was trying to say that Blain claims his magic is real, which is complete and utter bullshit. In that respect he was calling him a fake.
That was quite possibly more gay than pulling a quarter from behind someones ear. To a 20 year old. I don't think it could get much more fake than that. He didn't even give a reason for taking off his shoes!
I watched a tv show a while back that showed how his early stunts could of easily been faked. I remember seeing the footage of him getting rushed to hospital and it was the cheesiest most staged piece of filming I had ever seen. It was like watching ER. I can't remember the guy who made the film exposing him... He was one of them people kicked out of the magic circle for revealing tricks to people...
Psygnius Wrote:There's really no magic to it, he's in a sphere of water, and he gets fed food and air in a tube.
I only saw a little about this trick or what ever you want to call it. So he's going to be the sphere for a week right? Does he get bathroom breaks? Or...:eek: