Second ones a MAC set or something related to them.
I actuallyown both of those sets. I purchased the second one you have listed a few years ago and the subs are passable on most of the movies with the exception of Pom Poko which has some pretty serious timing issues.
The first set you have listed is nice because they only put a maximum of two movies per disc and the quality is quite high. It's also one of the only places you can still find the dub that Fox made for Totoro instead of the lame new ones from Disney. JJ does stock both of these sets here and can get them in pretty quickly if he's out of stock at the moment.
I'd recommend the newer set with fewer movies unless you're trying to collect everything that Miyazaki has done. Then I'd go with the older set and grab Howl's Moving Castle separately.
Zagatto Wrote:I actuallyown both of those sets. I purchased the second one you have listed a few years ago and the subs are passable on most of the movies with the exception of Pom Poko which has some pretty serious timing issues.
The first set you have listed is nice because they only put a maximum of two movies per disc and the quality is quite high. It's also one of the only places you can still find the dub that Fox made for Totoro instead of the lame new ones from Disney. JJ does stock both of these sets here and can get them in pretty quickly if he's out of stock at the moment.
I'd recommend the newer set with fewer movies unless you're trying to collect everything that Miyazaki has done. Then I'd go with the older set and grab Howl's Moving Castle separately.
The first one has:
Laputa "Castle In The Sky"
Grave of Fireflies
My Neighbor Totoro
KiKi's Delivery Service
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
While the second one has:
1. Nausicaa: The Valley of Wind
2. Laputa: Castle in the Sky
3. My Neighbor Totoro
4. Grave of the Fireflies
5. Kiki's Delivery Service
6. Only Yesterday
7. Porco Rosso
8. Ocean Waves
9. Pom Poko
10. On Your Mark (MTV)
11. Whisper of the Heart
12. Princess Mononoke
13. Spirited Away
Are the 6 that are not included in the first set not that great? Will I be missing anything if I go with the first set?
The seven in the first set are considered to be Miyazaki's masterpieces.
The biggest difference between the sets is the inclusion of an English dub for the seven movie collection while the 12 Movie and 1 Music video collection all have only the original Japanese audio track along with rough subtitles.
Also, the video transfer of the 7 movie set is noticeably better than the larger set.
Zagatto Wrote:The seven in the first set are considered to be Miyazaki's masterpieces.
The biggest difference between the sets is the inclusion of an English dub for the seven movie collection while the 12 Movie and 1 Music video collection all have only the original Japanese audio track along with rough subtitles.
Also, the video transfer of the 7 movie set is noticeably better than the larger set.
Many thanks. Darn, it's out of stock

I was planning on getting that and Howl's Moving Castle.
Yeah, 14 movies on 6 DVDs sounds better than 13 on 4 DVDs. How's the subtitle quality? Are they R1 rips or HKs?
dailyplanet Wrote:Yeah, 14 movies on 6 DVDs sounds better than 13 on 4 DVDs. How's the subtitle quality? Are they R1 rips or HKs?
Yeh but if its MAC chances are it will be dvd-5 now. Two or three movies on a dvd-5? No way.
dailyplanet Wrote:Are they R1 rips or HKs?
It's questions like this that make me wonder why I bother typing answers for people. Go through my previous answers and note that I talk about the quality of the subtitles.
gubi-gubi Wrote:Yeh but if its MAC chances are it will be dvd-5 now. Two or three movies on a dvd-5? No way.
If you look on the link it details them as dvd-9, just as the ones I have. This was one of my earliest and favourite HK set, and still is

I have the FX set on 4 discs. While only 7 movies it's a great set. Can get the ez version now.
Zagatto Wrote:It's questions like this that make me wonder why I bother typing answers for people. Go through my previous answers and note that I talk about the quality of the subtitles.
I'm sorry Zagatto, I thought the set you talked about concerning subtitle quality (13 movies on 4 DVDs) is different from the set Animeshop provided (14 movies on 6 DVDs). . .?
It is a different set actually - hence the diff in dvd quantity and number of movies. But I doubt they are R1 rips. (Its probably a new make of the same set but added movie and expanded over more discs to maintain a better quality)
Well, decided to get the EZ version (4 DVDs). Interesting that on the back it says FX. Quality is excellent, though I am a bit disappointed that there is no subs for Totoro, just dubtitles (the dub is pretty good though).