snowboarder Wrote:Just to be an a-hole, I'm gonna post over there and ask them why they don't have a HK boot discussion area.
It's hilarious to me how some of these moronic, no life anime twits who do nothing but obsess day and night over anime get all worked up and furious when anyone even mentions HK boots. They start frothing at the mouth and then get on their soap boxes and start yammering on and that point I usually throw gasoline on the bon fire and tell 'em, "to hell with R1...only MI, AV and FX for me!!!!"
I realize how childish and idiotic this is, but it serves to lighten up my day when I'm having a lousy one at work.
That's why I completely disregard all threads that go into that territory. I fail to see why they worry about that shit all the time it's like some bullshit sense of duty. If the companies want to do something they will if not they won't but they shouldn't be worrying about it either way.
If those twits could, they would line all of us (import-anime & arcticnightfall members) up single file and put a bullet in the back of our heads...enemy of the state, bolshevik style.
I had one idiot state that if he had his way, purchasing or even owning HK anime would require mandatory prison sentence. I had to laugh to at that....
snowboarder - "what r ya in for?"
tatted up inmate - "murder....and you??"
snowboarder - "having a cupboard filled with MI and FX sets."
tatted up inmate - "Ph*k're hardcore!!!"
Well, lets all thank the maker that zit faced, chronic masturbating teenage boys don't write the laws.
snowboarder Wrote:If those twits could, they would line all of us (import-anime & arcticnightfall members) up single file and put a bullet in the back of our heads...enemy of the state, bolshevik style.
I had one idiot state that if he had his way, purchasing or even owning HK anime would require mandatory prison sentence. I had to laugh to at that....
snowboarder - "what r ya in for?"
tatted up inmate - "murder....and you??"
snowboarder - "having a cupboard filled with MI and FX sets."
tatted up inmate - "Ph*k're hardcore!!!"
Well, lets all thank the maker that zit faced, chronic masturbating teenage boys don't write the laws.
For some reason that doesn't surprise me and I agree with you there. They seem to classify it in the same class as fuckin murder.
Puppet Master Wrote:I fail to see why they worry about that shit all the time it's like some bullshit sense of duty.
Well the guy who runs the site gets sent free sample dvd's to review for the site so if they started mentioning HKs I dont think they R1 companies would be too happy... Plus it's an R1 site, this is an HK site it's best to keep them seperate.
I believe he buys his DVDs like everyone else.
One of the fringe benefits of being a decent sized retailer is free samples. It's not like he gets to pick what they send him but I expect that he does get at least a handful of free discs every month if his sales volume is halfway reasonable.
My buddy owns a teeny tiny comic shop (it's only open four days a week and two of those days are half days) and he gets free comics all the time (like ten or so a week) and the occasional anime DVD as well (and he doesn't even sell DVDs). If he's getting these kind of freebies with his super small volume then I imagine that someone selling thousands of DVDs a month is likely to get a fair amount of "preview copies".
Zagatto Wrote:One of the fringe benefits of being a decent sized retailer is free samples. It's not like he gets to pick what they send him but I expect that he does get at least a handful of free discs every month if his sales volume is halfway reasonable.
My buddy owns a teeny tiny comic shop (it's only open four days a week and two of those days are half days) and he gets free comics all the time (like ten or so a week) and the occasional anime DVD as well (and he doesn't even sell DVDs). If he's getting these kind of freebies with his super small volume then I imagine that someone selling thousands of DVDs a month is likely to get a fair amount of "preview copies".
That I know of he doesn't "sell" anything.
Puppet Master Wrote:That I know of he doesn't "sell" anything.
He doesn't but he does get free samples.
This is on the main review page:
"Often times I get asked if the studios supply me with review copies. Some do, some don't. During the first year we were up and running, we didn't get any review copies and didn't really ask either. Since then, studios have been sending us titles in advance of the release date. This does not influence our reviews at all. We get questioned on that a lot. We here at Anime on DVD put our money where our mouths are. Even if we get review copies, we still buy the discs as they come out every week, just like everyone else. This of course has gotten a raised eyebrow and some surprised responses from both fans and the studios. Of course, this works out well for the readers here as the copy I buy goes into our contest pile. In the end, I support the studios with my dollars just like everyone else."
So it's pretty stupid to ask that they get an HK forum when the whole site is about R1 releases and is supported by the R1 companies...
gubi-gubi Wrote:He doesn't but he does get free samples.
This is on the main review page:
"Often times I get asked if the studios supply me with review copies. Some do, some don't. During the first year we were up and running, we didn't get any review copies and didn't really ask either. Since then, studios have been sending us titles in advance of the release date. This does not influence our reviews at all. We get questioned on that a lot. We here at Anime on DVD put our money where our mouths are. Even if we get review copies, we still buy the discs as they come out every week, just like everyone else. This of course has gotten a raised eyebrow and some surprised responses from both fans and the studios. Of course, this works out well for the readers here as the copy I buy goes into our contest pile. In the end, I support the studios with my dollars just like everyone else."
So it's pretty stupid to ask that they get an HK forum when the whole site is about R1 releases and is supported by the R1 companies...
Now I really don't know how the idea of a HK forum there came up.
vegeta76 Wrote:Rofl, This time?
Vicious, I recall you said at some point that you've been warned by chris himself a couple of times? :p
I actually received an email from Chris again. My account was put into 'read only' mode for a week. Basically I was making fun of another user in the Off-Topic forum.
Vicious Wrote:I actually received an email from Chris again. My account was put into 'read only' mode for a week. Basically I was making fun of another user in the Off-Topic forum.
lol, how long do you give yourself before they finally ban you?

vegeta76 Wrote:lol, how long do you give yourself before they finally ban you? 
I'm sure that if they ban him someone like him will pop up.
Puppet Master Wrote:I'm sure that if they ban him someone like him will pop up.
Nah. I wouldn't pop up unless I got my username back.
I've actually been banned from a long time ago because me and this bitch moderator could not get along. And since she lived in the same town as the owner and they were buddy buddy, I got banned even though she was wrong and all the forum members knew it.
I've popped back up on that site with my username a few times. I've told them, retire my username and I'll stop signing back in. Which reminds me, I should go back there and see if 'Vicious' is available again.

Hrm... what would the humour value be of me popping you just because I feel like it?
Zagatto Wrote:Hrm... what would the humour value be of me popping you just because I feel like it?
At this point, not too much. I really don't have alot of time to post right now anyways. So I wouldn't even realize it for a few weeks.